Unforgettable (Tenya Iida X Reader)

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I just want to sleep...

So tired, so overwhelmed, overworked, longing for sleep, but no matter how hard I tried I couldn't.

Once again my eyelids close, but immediately snap open. I want to go home. I'm extremely tired, so why can't I sleep?

I miss my bed, my home, my parents, even my siblings, did I even have siblings? Where is home, and how far am I from it? I don't even know what my bed feels like...I can't remember.

I can't remember anything...

A man appeared in front of me looking at me with a sad smile. He was quite handsome. I wondered why he was so familiar even if I didn't remember meeting him.

His beautiful features felt so familiar, yet I didn't remember anything at all. He looked at me with forlorn eyes.

"Do you remember me?" The unfamiliar man went in and cupped my cheeks in his hands rubbing he thumb along my cheeks softly.

"No- I don't remember anything," I admit, there was something missing in my memory. Everything went black and blurry. There were few memories with words and glimpses of objects and places, but no people.

The lack of people in my memories made me feel lonely. I knew there were people, but the world just felt empty.

His blue eyes reflected a sea of hurt. Those eyes felt familiar, like I dove in them and I had gotten lost in them many times. Tears start to fill them, even if the blue haired man tried to hold them back they fought back and fell.

A single tear from him caused a chain reaction. I started crying too, "I'm sorry, I can't remember...I'm trying! I really a-"

"Don't apologize, it was my fault. I know you're trying so don't feel bad,"

I wanted to remember so hard, yet nothing seemed to work, only quick flashes and blurs of unimportant things.

As I tried my best to remember he took something out his pocket. Gently, the well built man placed a velvety textured box the color of the night sky in my lap. For permission to open it I send my eyes to his figure until he nodded back, carefully I opened it.

A beautiful ring with a shining blue gem in the center, tiny little diamonds around the edge of the ring, "Do you remember?" He asked patiently.

"..,No," I tried and tried, but everything remained lost it was still a very lonely world in my head.

He excused himself and left the room. For hours I tried to remember, but I just couldn't, so I slept.

The next morning my eyes fluttered open and his figure leaning over me. His tears dried staining his face and mine. I think he's sleeping, I'll let him sleep.

I laid his head down on me and began playing with his hair. The sensation of running my fingers through his blue hair, his strong scent that I took in with each breath. He smelled good, he smells familiar.

My senses filled with memory of him. I couldn't remember him by looking at him, but I remember the way he smells, how his hair feels, his skin...I remember.

Memories that had been locked away began flooding back to me. The ring, why I had forgotten him, who he was to not only me but the world. I remember it all.

Joy filled my heart as I stared at my sleeping husband to be, my dear fiancé. Tenya Iida...

Tears had filled my eyes and begun spilling down my cheeks. It didn't feel lonely anymore, wonderful memories with amazing stories behind them dancing in my brain.

I knew where my bed was, I remember what my home looked like, I knew who my family was. I missed my bed, I would prefer it over this hospital bed.

It was an overwhelming feeling when everything I had was stripped away and I didn't know who I was, but it felt so relieving for it all to come back. Even if it had hit me all at once.

"Good morning...h-how are you?" He asked awkwardly after he had finally woken up.

"Tenya, I remember!" I threw my arms around him and hugged him tightly.

The tears that were falling down my cheeks seemed to be contagious because soon they were making his eyes shiny.

"My dear, that's great! I knew you would remember." His arms pulled me in close without warning and soon I was in a bone crushing hug.

"Of course I would, I could forget the whole world, but I'd never forget you...I'd never forget my lovely fiancé-"

What I said was true, forgetting him was impossible. The love we had broke boundaries, it was revolutionary, unseen in the world, rare and pure. Unforgettable is our love, unforgettable is he, both unforgettable to me.

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