What's real; What's fake (Shinsou X Reader)

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Did he just-? He just kissed me. That no good dirty little gjkskfjjsjgjhlkksk. I must refrain the urge to kill him. He's a good kisser though...but I'm not letting it slide.

"Heh, Dear could I please talk to you," I say through clenched teeth while pulling him over to a corner.

"Yes?" He said with a grin, "Do you need anything my love,"

"Quit it." I said in disgust, "We're faking this remember that,"

"I'm aware, just making it look real," He said ignoring my warning.

"Don't ever kiss me again...understand? Do not ever place your lips on mine again or else-" I threatened him.

"Can't promise that, I do what I have to do. I take my job very seriously," He took my arm and brought me back to the dance floor.

That punk!


Later on when the gala ended Shinsou and I got in the Limo. I switched my fake persona off and began yelling at him, "What part of fake relationship don't you get...ITS FAKE-"

That entire night he danced with me and he held me way too close for my liking. He kissed me two more times and went on like it was normal. My heart couldn't take it anymore.

"It doesn't have to be fake." A big smirk grew on that smug face of his.

I'm not quite sure what it is, but it felt like fury; like my face got hot and I was rendered speechless. No words, no coherent thoughts, no order in my brain. Heart beating so hard it was visible to the naked eye from five miles away.

Why doesn't any thought in my brain match my emotions? He's so frustrating, but he's a gentleman...he's so many things that I once was blind to.

To me he was perfect back then, we were together in high school for three years, then in long distance until I broke up with him.

I heard he started to sleep after, his friends told me that he was in so much pain that he slept the days away for months. I only dumped him because I was scared he didn't want me anymore since we were so far away, just to see if he'd chase me.

Now I feel horrible about it, but I'm still mad he didn't chase me. It's petty, I know it is, but how could he not chase me. He let me run. Run from him-

Now every time I see his purple hair and dazzling violet eyes being kept safe by heavy eye bags, this heart shatters. His stupid lovely sleep deprived face...it just makes me want to explode.

He knows what I want and he teases me about it, but I will never admit that I'm wrong even though my brain thinks about it all the time every day.
I won't let him get the satisfaction, nor will I let myself admit out-loud that I'm still not over him.

"It wasn't before, but you messed up-" She huffed as she crossed her arms and faced the window.
Shinsou looked at Y/n with a smirk that faded into a pained face when she couldn't see it.

Wanting Y/n, yearning for her, but she just wouldn't let him in. Before she was so silly, energetic, vivid, and lively. Now sitting there with arms crossed and a face that had remorse written all over it. Staring out the window into outer space; hoping to be lost in it forever.

Opening the door to let them out, the driver was the only one doing his job without any complications. The well dressed driver offered his hand to the lady and helped her out. She thanked him the began walking up the steps.


A comfortable king sized mattress fit for two laid in the middle of the master bedroom. The room was dimly lit as Y/n lays down in the mattress shaped cloud secretly waiting eagerly on Shinsou.

Finally he was there he got in bed next to her only leaving a thin slice of air between them, he did all that just for her to turn her back on the poor man. However that wouldn't stop him, he said, "Playing hard to get?"

"Maybe I am, maybe next time you should try to get me instead of letting me go." She deadpanned in a passive aggressive manner, causing him to reply with his own attitude.

"Watch the tone, you left me, so I don't understand why you're mad. If anyone should be mad it's me, you left without explanation and even worse the week of my birthday-" The man pointed out to his female counterpart.

"I'm mad because you never stopped me, you never chased me, you just said okay!" She raised her voice in frustration.

"I said okay because what else am I supposed to say...am I just supposed to go 'No- end of story.' What the hell do you think this is? A love story?" He defended.

Both of them argued until they couldn't anymore, backs turned they both huff out, "Y'know what...FINE!" simultaneously. A furious silence clouded the room.

The duo was stuck in a that mansion, sharing that room, in a fake relationship that was as functional as the Titanic for the next two weeks.

An hour of silence passed until someone said something. Y/n finally caved letting her stubbornness crumble away along with her strong sense of pride, "Hitoshi...look- I'm sorry; I really fucked up. And to tell the truth I still love you."

She turned around to face him now facing his back, but not for long. He too turned to face his love.

His eyes were wide with surprise, but it was the pleasant type. The corners of his mouth spread into a smile which was contagious.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" She giggled her face kissed by a shade of pink.

"Nothing...I just really wanted you back, and now I'm glad to know I have a chance of getting you back." He said softly followed by a gentle kiss on the forehead.


Not knowing how to respond being left speechless once again by this marvel of a man you look at him silently with a cheesy grin on your face. Looking like high school girl who was confessed to by her longtime crush, you were so glad you said something.

Tranquility filled the room until you both slept and continued throughout the night until the next morning when the sun rose and you two rose with it.

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