I'm fine! (Iida x Reader)✅

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"Are you ok Y/n? You seem to be burning up." Iida places the back of his hand against your forehead. You sat at your desk working on a design for some hero costumes because it was your job. Lately however it had been taking up a lot of time and made it difficult to take care of yourself.

"Yeah I'm fine, it's probably nothing." Shrugging off the possible sickness you go back to doing your work.

"Nothing? I highly doubt that, I'll be right back." There was no way he'd take no for an answer, so he walked to the bathroom to grab the thermometer then he came back.

"Open your mouth, I'll take your temperature." Tenya spun the chair around to face him.

"I'm fine, let me get back to work." You spun the chair back around and continued sketching.

"No my love, if you're sick you'll have to rest." He argued spinning the chair to face his direction once again. "Now open your mouth." After a bit of protest and chair spinning you did as he said and opened your mouth. Gently he placed the thermometer under your tongue, "Just as I thought, you must rest."

I groaned and just put my head on the desk. Iida didn't really agree with my resting method instead he picked me up. "Hey, put me down!" I squealed trying to get free from his hold. It was a futile fight though since I hadn't gotten much sleep and was weak.

"In a minute." He brought me to our bed and laid me down, I made several attempts to get up but he wouldn't allow it. Finally he left the room meaning it was the perfect moment for me to sneak back to my work area,"How many times have I told you- Stay. In. Bed." He asked after catching me.

"Zero?" I know he hasn't really said it but he implied it.

"In bed we go." Before I could process anything I was tossed over his shoulder and he dropped me in bed then left again. Tenya came back with some soup and sat down next to me, gently he picked up the spoon to start feeding me, "Say ahhhhhhh darling."

"Iida Im not a ch-" The spoon was guided into my mouth. It was both a bit embarrassing and kind of nice. He was sweet like that, always trying to take care of me or protect me.

"What was that?" Tenya asked after I finished eating a few minutes later.

"Thank you." I said rolling my eyes, for the rest of the day we cuddled and watched movies. I gave up even trying to get up since he wouldn't let me, there was also another reason for it though. When he took care of me it felt nice and I loved spending time with him which I haven't gotten to do because I was so busy with work recently. Luckily I got sick and now he wants to take care of me until I'm better.

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