Welcome To The Leauge (Lov members x Reader)

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"Welcome to the Lov, we are pleased to have you here." Kuroguri spoke like the gentleman he was.

"No we're not." A blue haired man grumbled just loud enough for you to hear.

"Hey, a new target to throw knives at!" A teenage girl with blonde hair exclaimed, what she said terrified you.

"Oh nice...fresh meat." A man with black hair and purple scars said sarcastically, with an unimpressed look on his face.

You were the newest addition to the Lov, and it was your first time meeting the other members.

"This is Y/n everyone, everyone this is Y/n." He began introducing everyone.

"This is Tomura shigaraki." He pointed to the man with blue hair, and a hand covering his face.

"Hmm...what a curious figure" You thought to yourself. You reached out to shake his hand, but before you could the only other girl spoke.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you~" She hummed mysteriously.

You heeded her warning, and immediately pulled your hand back.

"That is Himiko Toga." He pointed to the bubbly girl who may have just saved your life.

"Hello~" You said sweetly, to play it safe you just wave.

"He is known Dabi." He pointed to the only other person in the room other than you two and the two he introduced already.

"Hey." You smiled, but it quickly faded, when he shot you a glare.

"Jeez, such nice people. I'm probably gonna die here."

"Would any of you like to take her on a tour of the lair? I would myself, but I'm afraid there are places I have to be."

"Oh! Me! Choose me!" Toga jumped up and down.

"So you could stab her, no thanks. I'll take the newbie as long as it shuts up and listens." You didn't appreciate how he talked about you.

"Excuse you? I'm not an It, I'm a human being!" You protested.

"Never-mind, hand it to the glow stick with purple scars." Shigaraki said causing you to roll your eyes and cross your arms.

"Fine." He began walking you followed him.

A little later you bumped into Toga again. Toga was the only one around your age. You didn't say it earlier, but you thought she was really pretty. The other thing was she was cool, but she seemed scary.

Toga sat there sharpening knives, "Do you want to play with me?" She asked.

"Uh- play what?" You asked genuinely scared for you life.

"Just a game." She said casually which made you uneasy.

"S-sure I guess..." You hesitated, but sat down next to her anyways.

"Kay let's play!"

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