Their day out (Momo x Reader)

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Once upon a time in a land far far away lived a practitioner of magic by the name Mother midnight. She was beautiful but what was her secret?

We all keep secrets some big, some small, some that don't matter, some by keeping we're risking it all. But hers was messed up.

Years ago she stole a child, who she raised as her own. Mother Midnight's 'child' Momo hasn't left her home once her whole life. The girl hasn't even talked to another human other than her mother.

On the other hand, Y/n was a princess who always went out to find an adventure. She was also very social, but the problem was she refused to get married. Many men from far and wide have tried but none succeeded.

On the day after her birthday y/n mounted her brand new horse, and went off into the woods. It was dawn so Midnight had just left for work. Momo was home alone painting and cooking.

A beautiful fiery colored creature flew by, which caught the princess's attention. She declined to chase after it. Who wouldn't? After all it was the legendary Phoenix.

The bright bird that looked almost ablaze flew through the window to hide with it's friend, Momo Yaoyorozou.

"Phoenix, what are you doing here?" She asked with a delighted smile on her face. The bird started chirping, and flapping its wings wildly as if she could understand.

"Phoenix, you know I can't understand you right?" She chuckled, then sat back down to continue working.

As she painted a nighttime view from her tower she hummed a beautiful song that could be heard from outside.

Y/n started scaling the wall to find the legendary Phoenix. She used her quirk to create flat sheets of ice to step on as she stuck her fingers in the grooves in between the rocks to pull her up.

Finally she had made it. She hoists herself up on the window sill, and drops herself to the floor.

"Intruder!" The shocked black haired lady pulls a dagger from her side.

"WAIT! No, no I'm safe you see," The princess's hands go above her head to prove she can't cause harm.

"Okay then, what is your name?"Momo asked y/n.


"Okay, y/n what are you doing here?" She keeps her eyes on y/n who is now cornered with her back pressing against a wall.

Y/n points towards the bird with beautiful crimson, and orange feathers. Out of fear it disappears, all that's left of it is ashes.

"You scared Phoenix..." The one with the dagger looked upset.

"I-I'm sorry!" Y/n begins to freak out.

"He'll come back, but for now take me into town." Momo order, y/n agreed out of fear for her life.

First they went to a pub, followed by exploring the city then lots of mini adventures. Now it was night and they sat in a tiny canoe really close.

"You know I had fun today...thank you," The ebony haired girl gave the person she spent the day with a warm smile.

"It was no problem..." y/n looked at the sky so Momo didn't see the blush on her face.

"Here's my thank you gift." Momo's plush lips were in contact with y/n's cheek.

Y/n's eyes widened, and she became a disaster. In her struggle to calm down she accidentally capsized the canoe.

Momo laughed as she helped y/n up, "I guess a cutie like you gets flustered easily"

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