Don't do that! (Bakugou x Reader) ✅

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"Hey stop moving dumbass." Bakugou instructed you. He was trying to clean up your wounds that you got from not listening as always.

"But it hurts."

"Stop complaining, I'm not the one who told you to go rock climbing." Katsuki huffed, wiping away the blood from your right shoulder, "Who the hell in their right mind would just climb a cliff because they were bored?"

"Guilty, hehe."

Bakugou sighed and rolled his eyes at your giggle, "That's not a good thing, weirdo." He finished cleaning up the blood and was now bandaging your shoulder.

"I love you?" I looked at the annoyed Katsuki Bakugou, who just finished patching me up.

"Oh no, That's not working this time. You're not leaving this room until you think about what you've done."

"What are you my dad?" I ask the angry pomeranian who stood halfway out the door. He glared at me for a moment before answering.

"No, I'm not your dad. I'm your boyfriend who has to make sure you don't get yourself killed, so actually... might as well be a babysitter."

"Why are you so mean." I whined.

"I'm sorry, I just care for you. Ok?" He walked over and kissed my forehead, "I'll be back, just don't get yourself killed and don't blow up the house." Bakugou closed the door behind him as he left. It was impossible for me to sit still. Being hyperactive while also having a spider monkey quirk was no walk in the park. Every second of every day was the same. I was tempted to climb something.

Yesterday I climbed trees in the backyard, today it was the cliff if I didn't slip and fall. All I thought about was climbing. It hadn't even been long since he left and I was already on the ceiling. Things like this always happened, I'd think about it and it would happen, "Why must I be like this?" I said out loud to myself, "He's going to kill me."

Five minutes later after getting on the ceiling the door opened. It was him with a grocery bag in his hand. "Y/n, where are you?" He looked around the room, "Babe, I told you not to leave." He looked under the bed. "I said no monkey business, where the hell are you?" He caught me because I chuckled. Katsuki looked up at the ceiling where I was hanging, "Y/n get down now, do you have any idea how dangerous that is?"

"Pfttt very dangerous." Was my response.

"Then why the hell are you laughing. Get down!" He shouted at me causing me to scramble down.

"Fineeeeeee." My body was finally where it belonged, in an upright standing position with both feet on the floor. Which was normal but also very boring.

"Here's the food. Now behave yourself." Katsuki said, handing me the bag, "Any more monkey business and I might have to tie you down."Giving him a knowing look I began laughing again, "Not like that!" He finally caught on. I ate the food and thanked him for it. Once he got up to throw the bag away I was standing at the edge of the bed, "Don't do that!" He yelled at me again after poking his head back into the room.

I know he was probably tired of chasing me around and getting me to stop doing dangerous things so I got down and jumped on him. This time he didn't argue he carried me to the bed so we could cuddle. He wouldn't let me get up and he wouldn't let me out of his sight for the rest of that night, which I actually enjoyed.

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