Practice Mission (Shinsou X Reader)

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"YOU'RE AN IDIOT!" She yelled at him then plopping herself down on the couch.

"Oh, I'M THE IDIOT-?" The man yelled back to his wife and partner.

"Yep, you heard that right,"

"Well at least I'm not the one who fucked everything up!!"

"It was one mission get over it," He rolled his eyes, "I was tired, I fell asleep. Is that a crime?"

"No, I suppose not...But still, how the hell do you mind control the wrong person?" She asks staring the purple haired man in his also purple eyes.

"You both look very similar-" He said slowly regretting his words as they came out.

Both of you went on a mission that ultimately failed because your husband couldn't tell you and Toga, the queen of disguises apart.

Silence filled the room, this silence was probably a good one to keep the argument at bay, but you'd never know because he began talking, "Well at least we know that Toga's disguises work,"

"Shinsou, not the point! If that were a real, actually mission and not practice our lives would be endangered!" You scolded him severely.

"You're hot when you're mad-" His eyes scanned you as you sat up to yell at him more. His eyes changed from a nonchalant depthless purple to a violet lust filled color.

"UM HELLO? EYES UP HERE!" You rolled your eyes at him giving up on even trying to deal with the cat with human traits, "Nevermind. This is absolutely useless, talking to you is like talking to a cat. They listen and understand, but they ignore you-" You storm out the room slamming the door behind you.

Some time passes and Shinsou gets up to find you thinking you should have cooled down by now, "Y/n?" He called for you.

"What do you need?" You respond slightly annoyed because he disturbed your peace and quiet, but you were ready to listen to what he had to say.

He took a deep breath in then huffed it out before apologizing, "I'm sorry I didn't take the mission seriously, I should always take missions seriously practice or not please forgive me,"

"Hmmm," You pretend to think about it, but you forgave him, "Fine. On condition, you have to give me a back massage,"

"Do I have to," He asked.

"Yes." You smiled knowing that he was going to make it up to you.

"Okay turn around," He gave you a back massage so you could forgive, but thirty minutes later you both were asleep forgetting about what happened earlier.

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