7M.I.H (Iida X Reader)

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The bottle spun, and landed on the gap of the circle. The only other thing or person in that direction was Iida.

He sat there looking down at a book as you all look at him hoping he'd notice. Of course after a bit he realized the eyes on him, he looked up with a questioning look on his face.

"Is everything okay?" He asked, closing his book, and shifting into a different sitting position.

"Well, we spun the bottle..." Mina said.

"Yes?" The navy haired student asked waiting for the completion of the sentence.

"It landed on you-" You said waiting for him to catch a hint. Eagerly you look at your longtime crush hoping he says yes.

"Absolutely not. I will not participate in such things, and personally I don't think you should either...but I suppose it's up to you." His eyes widened when he realized what you guys meant.

"But it's with me?" You try convincing him. Maybe if he knew it was with someone he knew well he'd agree.

"No, sorry but I find this game very immature and inappropriate-" Tenya Iida shut down everything with that causing everyone in the circle to turn back and continue.

"Well I guess it's Mineta going in the closet with Y/n...sorry girl." Mina apologized for your streak of bad luck.

That streak of bad luck was short-lived. Moments after Iida heard that the purple haired gremlin and you were supposed to go in the closet he found himself putting the book down on the table and getting out of his chair.

Suddenly a very strong, very warm hand wrapped around your wrist pulling you into the closet.

"I'm sorry, what just happened?" Extremely shocked alone couldn't explain what you felt neither could Extremely confused.

As you were reluctant leaving the circle to spend seven minutes in hell with Mineta, someone pulled you away and went in the closet with you instead.

It wasn't until the door slammed shut that you realized what just happened.

"I'm sorry if that was rough; I just felt uncomfortable leaving you in here with Mineta." Iida's familiar voice reverberated in your head making your heart beat wildly.

Your bodies pressed together because the closet was so small. Everything inside of you was telling you not to freak out, but you did internally.

"Are you okay? You seem very nervous." He asked placing his hand on your shoulder.

"Yea, I'm fine. Just very, very nervous." You said chuckling to lighten the mood, meanwhile you were mentally begging yourself to calm down.

"Why are you nervous?"


"It's because...how do I say this without scaring you-" My heart raced uncomfortably, hopefully he couldn't feel it.

I took a breath in to steady myself that's when I realized I could feel his heartbeat too. Without think I rested my head on his chest to listen to it.

He tensed up and grew still. I couldn't handle it anymore, he kept me safe, he cared for me, he's there for me. Iida is so important to me, he brought me so much joy.

I couldn't keep it to myself anymore; I had to tell him, "Iida, I have two things to say to you."

I lifted my head, and looked at him with determination in my eyes, though I looked confident my mind became a mess.

"Yes?" He asked waiting for what I was going to say.

"Thank you for being here, for protecting me, for caring, for being patient with me. And..." I didn't have the heart to say it, I paused for a moment.

"And I-" Before I could say anything else his lips pressed against mine.

Our lips locked, his soft plush lips sent heat through my entire body. My eyes shut as I gave in to the passionate kiss.

"Times up!" Moments later the door swung open we pulled away and stepped out as if nothing happened. However some of our classmates probably knew because we were both a little off afterwards.

"I didn't think saying Mineta was playing would work, but it did!"Mina was laughing.

"So he was never actually playing?!" Iida and I look at the pink skinned girl with wide eyes.

"No-" She said with a sly smile. I began to run after her, but I was stopped by Iida who stood in front of me. I ran face first into his sturdy boxy figure before I could even get far.

"It's fine, I'll have a nice conversation with her about playing tricks later."

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