Christmas Past (Kirishima X Reader)

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The bell struck midnight as Y/n found herself comfortably in her bed confusion plagued by her mind, but it wasn't a normal night for her. She jumped out her sheets with the will to start a new path. She thought it was all just a dream, but the person in her bed could prove otherwise.

The past once was the present, it was once also the future, but now it's the past that influences the present and yet to come. Her past was what caused her to become a Scrooge, but if she didn't change her ways by this day nothing would get better.

9:00 pm
Y/n's Room
Spirit of Christmas past.

"Wake up." The ghostly figure hovered over her bed as she slept before going to work on Christmas Day. Y/n despite being given the day off insisted that this holiday was useless therefore she would not take the day off. Even if she was a hero holidays threw her off, Y/n's mood changed, she was grouchy, and her heart seemed to shrink three sizes. Very few knew why, but those who did couldn't do much about it though they've tried.

Immediately sitting up and looking around until her eyes fell on the specter all of her senses went into high alert.

"Who the hell are you?" There was a person hovering over my bed. It was probably some fan or whatever, but this was my personal sleep time especially since I had work tomorrow.

"I'm the ghost of Christmas past." His dazzling red eyes looked into mine with completely seriousness not even a hint of sarcasm was present. He could probably sense the irritation and doubt in my tired face, so without saying anything else he pulled me out of bed and began floating up with me. Because I was use to Uraraka floating with me in high school I no longer was scared of heights, however it did scare me a bit.

The room began spinning and the dark cold room slow changed into a brightly fireplace lit atmosphere. A familiar place to my eyes, but not in my memory until my eyes fell upon a younger me in a daycare right before Christmas break.
"Where the hell did you bring me!" I ask. He told me to the past where it all began, my eyes widened as I remember what had happened.

That day I was playing with this boy with black hair and beautiful eyes. We had become best friends in a matter of hours as children at that age do, something then happened to our teacher and no matter what we did we couldn't save her. As that replays I try my best to save her, but it's like she couldn't even see me. There again; we lost her, for the second time... I couldn't save her. Tears began to sting my eyes and coldness takes over the atmosphere as the lights started to fade.

"There was nothing you could've done—" His warm hand resting on my shoulders as he tried to reassure me, "We tried...and it didn't work. You can't change the past, but you can change the future."

He said 'we' as if he was there, I had to ask him if he was there. Instead of answering me with words he showed me his roots, and looked deeply into my eyes. He was the one who I became friends with that day, it was the two of us who failed to save the lovely woman who was our teacher.

I ask him questions left and right starting with how he became a ghost and the last one I asked before he shushed me was where he went.

He brought us to the next place. Snow fell to the ground like powdered sugar. Middle schoolers clad in hats, scarfs, jackets, and all sorts of winter clothing walked out of school. While looking around I spot myself but yet again I was much younger. I looked sad even if it was holiday break something was off. Then I remember why, I had gotten very excited about a music box and my friends shut me down. They told me that I was being childish and being this happy about a Christmas trinket was weird.

Someone placed their hand on me and my eyes fell upon who I'm assuming is Kirishima once again.

"I just wanted to say...have a great break-" He looked like he was nervous talking to me. My reaction wasn't too great though.

I took the gloved hand resting on my shoulder and violently pushed it away, "I won't." I didn't even look back to see who it was. Tears fell down as I began running home. Christmas had never really been the same since bad things happened almost every year.

When I feel something tickling my cheek. Tears had been falling down my present self too. Yet again years later Kirishima's hand was on my shoulder trying to cheer me up. Next thing I know we're in the U.A dorms. Never had I thought I'd be back so soon. Something strange filled my heart. Dread filled every inch of me as I remember what happened during the holidays.

"No. Go bring your jolly Christmas shit somewhere else!" Y/n watched herself shout at her classmates.The door slammed in their faces and she threw herself onto the bed.

Y/n walked into the room and reached her hand out almost as if to comfort herself. Grief filled Y/n's heart as she watched the girl begin to sob. The moment faded away and once again Y/n was in the U.A dorm hallway. This was a year later where the same thing happened.

"Leave me alone!" Stomping into her room and slamming the door for the second year in a row.

Every time she re-lives those moments hopelessness shakes Y/n to the core. It was like watching your darkest moments on loop until you couldn't stand to live anymore.

Then the last year of high school everything was the same, "Are you going to be a grinch this year?" Kaminari asked while passing by her in the hall.

Simply the girl did not react she ignored him and continued to walk away. Later on the same day Mina asks, "Are you going to celebrate this time...I know in the past you've skipped out on us."

"Nope." This time you did not scream nor shout, instead you went to your room and cried.

"I- wow...I missed out on so much fun because I was hung up on the past."

Strong warm arms envelope you in a hug as you begin to sob again. Realization hit you like a train and it hurt badly. The surroundings began to fade and you found yourself in your own bed.

She cried herself to sleep in my arms. I stayed to comfort her. I could tell from the pain in her voice that she didn't want to let her past determine her future ever again. And that she did, never again would her past dictate her future. Instead she went on and we celebrated Christmas, together we learned from what happened before and it opened a world that one couldn't even begin to imagine.

"Merry Christmas!"

"No- you can't be serious." Her voice was trembling as I was in front of her on one knee.

"Would you marry me." The both of us began tearing up. Our eyes interlocked as I waited for an answer. Slowly she nodded her head yes as her hands were cupped over her mouth.

It had been years since then and we've never looked back.

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