They're mine! (V!Deku vs Toga X Reader) ✅

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"Oh looks like our new friend is up...hello there!" There in front of you stood Izuku Midoriya but not the one you remember. He was no longer the sweet innocent boy that went to U.A with you, he was different. Almost everything he was known for was gone, his bright smiles now dark and deranged, his toned arms now covered in slashes. Whatever he had been through had to be a lot to put him here, stand here looking down at you who was strapped to a chair.

From behind him a girl appeared, you immediately knew who it was by her sorta high pitched cheerful voice,"Oh yay! Now that you're up we're gonna have fun with you~" Toga's face twisted into a smile that shouted insane.

It's been a while since anyone had last seen those two, one day they disappeared like nothing happened and the world was fine with it. After they had caused so much trouble no sane person wanted them to come back, still something in you said that you had to at least try to save him and maybe her too.

"You look so very pretty; a little blood would pull your look together. I have a game that can fix that though." Toga stroked the side of my neck bringing her fingers down along my collarbone, "Let's play interrogation. we're the interrogators and we'll interrogate you!"

"Ooh me first!" Deku chimed in taking a few small steps forward. Now he was right in front of me and the chair I was bound to, "So, it's been a while.When was the last time we saw each other?" Midoriya asked, of course out of shock I couldn't really think of the answer, my eyes danced around the room looking for an answer.

"Umm...2 years ago, I think?"

"Wrong, it was 3 years ago." It would be too difficult to remember exactly how long ago because the last time I saw him was the year that Allmight died. Fortunately for me though I got the answer wrong Deku was merciful, "But don't worry, I won't punish you...this time-" A sigh of relief came from me after hearing that. "At least not yet." Why can't people just finish their sentences? It would save me the emotional roller coaster.

"My turn!" Toga was bouncing on her toes waiting to ask me a question, "Why'd you come here? Not that I'm complaining." Her voice was sweet and she could be too, when she didn't have a knife pointed at me, however that was almost never. Every time I've run into her there has never been one time where I wasn't on the sharp side of her blade.

"Because I was sent on a mission." I gave a short answer not planning to disclose any more detail.

"Tell me more." Said Toga curiously.

"I really can't-" I was to bring Midoriya back into the light, to save him, which seemed like it would be difficult because I'm stuck here against my will.

"Was it to bring me back?" Izuku knew how the heroes worked, he knew we wouldn't just leave him. We had hope that one day he'd come back and he knew that all too well. There was no fooling him or lying to him about something like that it was impossible so I nodded. He looked over at Himiko, they stared at each other for a moment before bursting out into laughter.

"Give up now it won't work, can you do that?" The blonde haired girl asked sarcastically.

"I won't. No,I can't." There was no way that I, Y/n, pro-hero nightshade would let Deku go; not yet. I had to at least try since I failed him the first time.

"Wrong answer~" She sang, her blade was now pointed at me yet again. The sharp tip brushed my against collarbone slightly leaving a tiny scratch where it touched me.

"Hey, we never agreed to that!" Deku exclaimed trying to reason why he should've done it first, "She came for me, so I should cut her first." Is this really happening? Are they seriously having an argument over who can hurt me first?

Bakugou warned me that they were insane, but he didn't specify how insane. When he said insane I pictured something else, not this, and certainly not the crazy things they say.

"And so what? I caught her, she's mine to do whatever I please with." Toga raised her voice a little bit. Midoriya just glared at her for a moment before responding.

"I should keep her, she likes me better."

"Is that a challenge?" Toga said.

"What if it is?" Deku retorted.

"If it is, then prepare to lose." When I came here this was not what I'd hoped for. The plan was to save Deku then leave. If I ever see Bakugou again he'll never let me live it down, nevertheless that's only if I survive which I doubt will happen. There was no way this could end well for me and I know it.

"Okay! Whoever Y/n feels happier with wins." The end goal was a bit of a stretch but Deku agreed with Toga.

"Doll, you don't look too comfortable in those ropes. Would you like me to remove them?" Silently I nodded yes, "But you can't run, do you understand?"

It's not like you could, you were too scared to. This time you remained silent.

Toga put her knife away setting it carelessly on a table nearby, "Cutie- pie, you're so precious." She came behind and hugged you. Her face was buried in the crook of your neck, her breath felt hot against your skin, when you finally noticed what she was doing it was too late. Her teeth sank deeply into the flesh of your neck. It hurt for a moment but after that it felt warm. Her tongue ran across the mark she left soothing the irritated skin.

"Your blood is so good!" I shuddered at her words. What the hell? She just drank my blood, I need to leave now. Urgency overcame the will to save him, he was too far gone, but I knew I couldn't get up and leave.

Midoriya came over and stood me up then gently traces my jawline with the tip of his nose, his isn't normal- "You're so cute when you blush!" He said. By this point too much was going on for me to even notice that I was red. Deku tilted my head towards him, "What's wrong doll?" He spoke with a devious grin plastered on his face, though I turned away again he just angled my head to face him once more. Our eyes locked, I was confused, yet he wasn't. He obviously took that moment very differently. His lips locked with mine, I didn't agree but I didn't disagree.

"Doll you're mine; understand that." He said, so you didn't die, you nodded yes.

"No, cutie is mine!" Toga protested crossing her arms with a pout.

"You're mine too if that makes you feel better." Deku kissed Toga.

"No, it doesn't. Y/n is my pet not yours!"

"She's my pet." He said.

They continued arguing but they hadn't noticed that Dabi walked into the room and dragged you out of there. It didn't mean that you were safe from them it was a start though. Now you could plan your escape in peace.

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