Headcannons Stages of your relationship (Todoroki X Reader) Pt.1

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Crush Phase
-At first he didn't know what he was feeling he thought he was sick and went to mina, she explained that he was growing feelings for someone
-His body heats up and though he looks pretty in his element inside he's just confused about everything
-He does anything he can for you no matter how big or small, this includes: heating things up, cooling things down, ice cubes in your drink, and taking you out for food.
-He did a lot of research on crushes and romantic feelings because he wanted to make sure he knew everything
-He spends a lot of time with you and ask you many questions to get to know you
-You both compliment each other a lot
-The class knows he likes you, but aren't sure where you stand
-Sometimes people will mistake you for a couple and you'll both turn red and turn to see the others reaction
-You try signaling that you like him, but he never seems to catch on
-You both fear being in the friend zone with each other
-He confesses to you and asks you out with flowers on a field trip in front of your classmates

Relationship stage
-His timing is either dead wrong or perfect when it comes to certain things no in between, but you find it really cute
-He's always getting you gifts and sending you little letters to make you smile
-The gifts both of you give and receive are always sentimental
-He likes adventurous dates, but he takes you on fancy dates too
-You go to a lot of events that take place in his home as his girlfriend
-Both of you like trying new things
-You want it, you got it, he will give you the whole world
-He gets you red and white roses on valentines and your birthday
-You're always buying him flowers too

-At night when you share the bed you are really close because both of you are clingy. You get most of the blanket because he likes being partly covered. Shoto's arms are tightly wrapped around you, he never wants to let you go, and you're more than okay with that.

-He likes kissing: Your forehead and knuckles, he thinks you are and treats you like a princess. You lips is what he kisses the most and he loves everything about them. Because of your reaction he likes kissing your shoulders, and neck.

-He calls you: Baby, My love, precious, and princess
-You call him: Babe, Candy cane, my prince, and Half and half

-Your contact for him: My Prince 👑✨💗
-His contact name for you: Princess 👑✨💕

Marriage stage
-He is not crying, but he is beaming like an idiot and he's trying to stay cool
-You look like a prince and princess
-All might is walking you down that isle without any questions if you don't have someone doing that already
-His siblings are invited and so is his mom, but Endeavor can only watch the footage
-All your close friends and family are there
-He insisted on it being and expensive wedding, because he truly believes you deserve the world
-The honeymoon is like a dream
-Because of the relationship his parents had and how much he wanted to avoid something like that, he does everything in his power to keep you both happy
-He definitely wants children to prove to Endeavor he can be a better father, but he won't force it on you
-He buys this big house for you to live in
-You don't really argue you guys just debate a lot, but you both will always come up with a fair compromise
-He'll forget his birthday, but never your birthday or anniversary
-You both have a huge amount of trust in each other, but if there's any doubts you'll talk it out

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