Will you marry this normal man? (Shigaraki X Reader) ✅

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"Shigi babe, what time is it?" You ask as you roll over on your king-sized bed, laying across your boyfriend Tomura Shigaraki.

(Just so you know you are a RN working at a very busy and famous hospital)

"Too early in the morning for you to be going to work." He replied hoping you'd stay in bed just for a little longer.

"No baby, I have to go to work. Especially if I want to live a normal life." You said smiling at him.

"Okay fine," He understood where you were coming from. For a long time all you two wanted was a normal life, yet that never seemed to go well, "but you have to come home on time today. You can't keep coming home late working overtime." He said, worried that you'd work yourself to death and he'd be left to live life alone.

As we got out of bed I got ready for work and left. After a hell-ish eight hour shift I finally returned home tired and irritated. A patient threw up on me, then somehow I got blood all over me. Over the course of my shift after the many many mishaps I had to change three times. Though it was stressful at times I appreciated my job. Without it I don't think I'd get to live a normal life.

"I'm home." I call out as I lock the door behind me.

I waited no response. There were only two of us so I was expecting him to answer because he was supposed to stay home. "Tomura?" I call out walking around the house searching for him; still nothing. I continued seeking out for him until Tomura was found.

The room was filled with scattered roses when I walked in. Confused I decided to venture farther into the room, there stood the rarest sight that blessed my eyes; Shigaraki in a suit. Wearing chapstick and lotion by choice for once in his life. Soft romantic music started playing and he walked towards me. Faces of everyone I knew in the league filled the room. Toga was so excited and held a camera recording this moment, Dabi stood there rolling his eyes because Toga refused to calm down. Shigaraki held out his glove hand and as I stepped forward to meet him he bent down on one knee.

My eyes immediately widened and a noticeable expression of pleasant surprise covered my face. He was proposing-

"Y/n you've never judged or treated any of us, especially me, based on how society sees us. You're kind and beautiful. Out of everyone I know you're the best and I love you for you as you love me for me." Shigaraki paused during his rare sentimental speech, "And that's why I wanted to ask...Would you marry me?" Tears fell down my face when he finished his sentence. Joy overcame every previous emotion I had accumulated over the day as everyone clapped and cheered for the two of us.

"Yes, of course I'll marry you!" Tomura put a ring on my finger and I hugged him, "And I'd marry you one thousand times again." I whispered in his ear as I clung onto him, wrapping my arms around his neck.

As the cheers slowly faded the night was over and they had the house to themselves. Soon the both of them settled into bed waiting for the next morning to wake up next to their partner in crime forever, living a normal happy life in the best way possible; together.

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