Supply closet (Dabi X Reader)

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"What are you doing?" A voice behind questioned scaring me half to death.

I went to the bathroom to text my friend about something and hide, however I don't think I told my partner that. He could be overbearing at every moment In time so I tried to give him the benefit of the doubt, but sometimes he's too much.

"WHaaa" I turn around and my eyes widened at the sight of the very person I was hiding from.

"You blush easily," He stated staring at me in the eyes.

The bathroom was awfully small for two people and now that I think about it were was everything?

I turn on the flashlight and the realization that I wasn't in the bathroom came to me.

The supply closet.

"I'm sorry, you caught me off guard," I reply to the observation he made.

"Funny," He chuckled, "I wanna play a game," He smirks as he said it, this man is either a sadist, insane or both.

"But-" I tried to protest, but it didn't work out.

Dabi pushed me against the wall, and slammed his lips into mine. He pinned my arms over my head as he hungrily devoured my lips.

A warm tingly sensation spread through my body. I couldn't fight, I liked it too much. My heart went into overdrive as he took his free hand and slid it under my shirt.

His cool hands against my skin made me shiver at first but then I started melting.

He pulled away, and kissed the crook of my neck. He began sucking at it, a small noise came out of me with a shaky breath I just took. Then he pulled away.

"The rules are I have 2 months to make you mine and all you have to do is play my games and resist. If you win, you get what you want, if I win I get your heart and I had my fun, "He offered laughing seconds later.

I thought about it for a moment, but I shook my head no, you'd win this game to easily Dabi let's make it interesting."

"Fine then, you have to spend time with me and do what I want for 4 months then If you make it through without bailing out you can get whatever you want. If not I win and you have to do what I want, " The man with black hair and scarred skin negotiated.

I thought about it then agreed, "Fine, but only because I know I'm going to win" We shook hands as a way to seal the deal.

"First task: I'm hungry get me something to eat and come eat lunch with me." He said not letting me respond before he left me in the room, confused, flustered, and alone.

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