Headcannons Stages of your relationship (Bakugou X Reader) Pt.1

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Crush phase
-He tried denying it as much as possible at first
-You two at first didn't get along but once you found things in common you became friends
-You understand what he feels and what he needs so you constantly try to help him
-You were shocked that you liked him at first, but it slowly began to make sense
-What he says and what he thinks or does are completely different
- He treats you like everyone else except he's more protective over you
-He would glare at you for long periods of time by accident
-When you found out he enjoyed romantic books you'd taunt him, but you thought it was cute
-Everyone shipped you two, but never expect you guys to actually like each other
-He sweats a lot when he's around you because he gets nervous so he has to be careful about his quirk
-You seem to be the only one he genuinely likes sometimes
-You do annoying things, but he finds them cute
-He will bring food for you and say that it's because he had leftovers, made too much, or he was trying a new recipe
-Whenever couple like stuff happens or you get a little too close he freaks out and turns red, then tries to play it off as annoyance
-You try to confess and freak out. You practice while you're alone, but he ends up overhearing so the next day he ask you out after spending the whole day trying to figure it out.
-You two are training together on a weekend and that's when he asks you out.

Relationship stage
-Around people he'll be tough and distant, but when you're alone he will be extremely clingy and will not let you leave his sight.
-He's a very jealous person and when he is he will hold you tightly close to him.
-You both are big on things within your comfort zone
-He puts a lot of effort into the relationship by doing acts of service and just keeping you safe from a distance.
-In public he doesn't really like very showy PDA, but small little discreet things make him happy
-When his in a bad mood give him personal space if you don't you might get your feelings hurt, but he's trying to control that.
-He doesn't do well with change, but when it comes to you any change that's made is worth it.
-He always buys fancy expensive things for your birthday and for his you do the same, but he insists it's not necessary

-When sharing a bed one of you has the others leg(s) in between your thighs and he always wants you in his arms wether it's hot or cold. Usually you both move in your sleep so you almost never wake up the way you fell asleep.

-He likes kissing: Your neck and leaving hickeys so people know that you're taken, your hands and forehead though he is tough on the outside he's a gentleman and wants to make you feel safe, and your sides and upper back where your neck and shoulders are.

-He calls you: Baby, and Tiny, sometimes loser
-You call him: Babe, Bakubitch, lover man, dude,

-His contact name for you: ❤️Weirdo
-Your contact name for him: 💥Bakubabe💥

Marriage stage
-A tear or two slipped when he saw you, but in his mind he went "She's going to be mine forever" and a smirk grew on his face.
-Best jeanist somehow convinced you to let him walk you down the isle and he slick backed Bakugou's hair
-He wanted to plan the honeymoon himself, and goes all out because he will get the best and only the best for you
-Verbal communication is hard for you two so you rely on body language and other ways
-The wedding is decently sized and you both have a great time
-At one point he wants kids with you, but he sees that as something for later on after he gets to spend a lot of quality time with only you

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