Toga's pet (Toga X Reader)✅

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"Y'know, she's awfully cute." Toga stated, looking at the girl who was bound to the chair in front of her.

   "She's important, so if you go too far Shigaraki will have your head. Dabi said to Toga who had a knife already twirling in the palm of her hand.

"Oh no don't worry, I like her too much to kill her. I just want to bloody her up a little." The blonde headed girl said as she traced the knife against your collar bone. Tears started forming in your eyes, you were shaking.

"Aww, we haven't even done anything yet, why are you crying?" The black haired guy smirked thinking of the many ways he could make you cry more.

"Oh my gosh! Even when she cries she's cute!" Himiko hugs you from behind unexpectedly. "Lalalala" Toga dances around the room for a moment before she turns and looks back at you. In fear you squeeze your eyes shut hoping she won't appear out of no where without warning. She rips the tape off your face. "You're welcome, you can speak now." She said crumpling up the tape and tossing it to the side.

"Help! Help please!" Not sure what to do you shout out asking for help, knowing there was a very paper slim chance of getting saved.

"No no, Y/n. That's annoying, you should really stop." Ignoring her advice and you continue screaming. Dabi gets up to leave slamming the door behind him. He didn't like loud things and to him you were being extremely obnoxious, to control himself he left.

"If you don't stop screaming I'm gonna go straight for your eye." The knife she held was pointed towards your left eye threatening your vision. Immediately you stop screaming and start crying more hopelessly, "Ok that's better. You're a good listener."
Toga admired you for a good minute before she said, "You're so pretty, Y/n and I like you." You kept your mouth shut knowing the curses in your mind would come back to bite you in the ass if you shouted them out.

"I like your hair." I reach to stroke her soft hair, "I like your smile."My fingers force their way into mouth stretching her cheeks out her into a smile, "Honestly, I could go on, but there will be time for that later."

"Let me go!" Her sweet voice shouted.

"No can do, sorry." I responded chuckling.

"Please." She added on, yet again I had the same answer.

"Just answer my questions and you will remain unharmed... even though that seems boring." Y/n sat there confused and scared though she didn't respond I assumed she'd cooperate.

"Y/n so, you work for Endeavor. Tell me what he's like?"

"I dunno. I don't really interact with him." She was clearly lying, but I didn't mind because then the fun part comes, "What do you mean? Surely as his sidekick you'd know him well."

"N-No not really." She was still lying. It clearly wasn't getting anywhere, no matter how I tried to find my way around or get an answer she gave me nothing. Instead this time I tried a different approach, "Nevermind, Just tell me what are his weaknesses? You'd definitely know those." As a sidekick you took care of the downfalls your hero had, to do the job well you'd have to know the hero's weaknesses more than you knew the back of your hand.

"..." Silence, she didn't say anything.

"Oh come on, you've gotta say something-"

"No." Y/n glared at me with a burning hatred and disgust, nothing I wasn't used to by now. It was actually kind of adorable coming from her eyes that appeared glassy because of her tears, "Come on cutie-pie tell me!"

"No." She repeated harshly. Someone's feeling snappy today-

"If you don't tell me I'm gonna have some fun with you-" I sung, usually that always work this time I waited, still no answer. "Nothing huh? Ok, fun time!" I tighten my grip on the knife in my hand.

Toga forcefully took my hand and pushed my sleeve back. She forced the point of the knife into my skin then stopped. Coolness spread over where the knife opened up, as if I was shedding my skin, but pain followed not even a second later. I clench my teeth and shut my eyes. The pain was unbearable, but I couldn't say anything. A loud screech comes out of my mouth as she continues to carve a letter into my skin.

"T..." Himiko lifted her hand up to my face. I flinched expecting her to hurt me. Toga wiped the tears off my face. The way she touched me softly surprised me seeing how she held a knife to my skin, however strangely enough it was comforting, "O..." She continued carving letters on my hand. "G-...A-...S" She paused. "Almost done cutie." Toga continued carving into my skin. "P- E- T- ... Toga's pet!" I kept screaming, the pain was excruciating, and it just kept getting worse. Blood slowly started beading up on the surface of my skin then the next thing I know there was blood everywhere.

"Please...stop it hurts!" I begged, Himiko just smiled and carved a little heart after the T. I couldn't take it anymore, I'd rather die than deal with the pain, but I wasn't given much of a choice. My skin was covered in blood and my whole arm stung badly, worse than I could've ever imagined.

She took the knife that was now covered in my slick red blood and sniffed it, "Oh your blood even smells wonderful. Wonder what it tastes like."  She said as she raised the blade up to her tongue and licked it.

She's insane.

"Mhm, as I said it tastes amazing. I'm curious now. Does the rest of you taste this good?" Toga paused leaving an eerie silence lingering in the air: I wondered if she actually expected me to answer or if it was rhetorical but I just sat silent, "There's no need to be curious I might as well just see." Himiko toga lifted my head and pulled me closer.

Their lips collided and they kissed, both forgetting why they were there and what they were supposed to be doing. "I think I love you Y/n, I want to keep you to myself forever... Kinda like a pet." Toga said as she pulled away and admired the one tied to a chair. Pulling her back in the two kiss again and during this kiss the door swung open.

"What the hell Toga! You were supposed to interrogate her not make out with her!" Dabi rolled his eyes. "And you, Stockholm syndrome much." He scoffed as he slammed the door behind him leaving Y/n once again with her torturer.

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