Thankful for our family (Iida X Reader)

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"Ugh, I'm stuffed!" Thanksgiving dinner had ended and so it left me and Iida on the couch stuffed like the turkey we had devoured.

This year we had dinner at my parent's house which was something I was terrified about at first, but it seemed to have ended pretty well. Last year it was his parents' house, so we switched it up. Now the kids from both sides were running around wildly dropping things. As much as I adored children I was too full to keep jumping up from my state of sloth to make sure they didn't collapse the house. All the adults over thirty were in the dining room drinking and talking, teens spread throughout the house hiding in corners to escape their annoying siblings which left it to the two of us to do the child wrangling.

"Y/n!!" A little girl with blue pigtails jumped up and down as she pulled my arm nearly pulling it out of the socket. She was one of two twins that was Iida's little cousin.

"Yes sweetie, what's wrong?" I lift myself up and sit properly to listen to her. She began complaining about how the other kids were leaving her out and being mean. My heart couldn't take it as I listen to her list what they were doing to her I stand up, pick her up, and carry her and begin walking over to call the children. When I walk over to the other side of the living room the children who were watching tv turned and look up at me, the others playing games put down whatever they had in their hands waiting for me to say something.

"Okay now, since we're not playing nice we have to find something else to do, I told them." Iida had gotten up to follow me when I had walked over, he stood silently waiting to see what I would do, "Follow me!" I said as I carried the girl in my arms walking into the kitchen, "Who wants to bake cookies?" I asked them.

Every one of them started cheering happily, as I gave them instructions they listened carefully and behaved well. Though they ran around and made a mess they were having fun. So was Iida, and I admit too that I had fun and I was no longer sluggish from stuffing my face with all that food. By the time we had finished baking over five trays of cookies the kitchen was a mess, but the kids were no longer bouncing off the walls, "Okay now, the cookies are done. Go with Iida and find a movie to watch. I'll keep an eye on the oven and make some hot cocoa and warm milk for you guys."

They all lined up behind the tall navy haired man and followed him out. Who would've thought that they'd all listen that well? I thought to myself as I smiled, after about ten minutes Iida came back to help with the cookies and drinks.
"Well that was one way to keep them under control; I had a feeling you'd be good with children." He wiped his lenses as he chuckled. Leaning over Iida pecks you on the forehead as the two of you prepared to bring the kids snacks.

"Why thank you-" A slight blush creeps onto your cheeks as you smile happily.

Picking up the tray of cookies and the drinks you bring it out to the children and sit down amongst them watching a movie. While watching Iida leans over and whispers in your ear to not bother the children, "One day I think we'll make great parents."

You look up at him and chuckle then your face changes to an unreadable emotion as you look around the room, "Tenya Iida, you're right...but not to this many children-"

The both of you start laughing and the children turn to stare at you. Telling them it's nothing you get them to put their focus on the television as they snack on cookies. After two more movies, everyone finally went home leaving your parents, siblings, Iida, yourself in the house. It was now late and both of you were extremely tired, who knew watching children could be that exhausting; definitely not you two.

As the two lay in bed backs touching as you held hands you remember something that you wanted to tell him, "Iida...there's something I forgot to say when I listed off what I was thankful for-"

"Really? Then tell me now. My love, what are you thankful for?"

"I am extremely thankful for you."

"That's sweet, I am thankful for you too darling."

"Goodnight Iida." You turn around and kiss him on the cheek.

"Goodnight my dear." He turned around too to kiss you on the forehead before you both went to sleep.

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