Kiss Me (Todoroki X Reader)

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I had just gotten a new job and everything seemed to be smooth sailing. Every weekday for about a month I went to work from eight am to four pm. This new job was fun, and everyone there is nice, however whenever I'm working I felt his gaze on me. If I looked up at him which I rarely did he'd just give me a smirk.

Yet again we were in the situation where I was the victim of his icy hot gaze, in annoyance I lift my head, and look at him, "I'm sorry sir, do you need anything?" My voice was as kind as possible because I didn't want to be fired.

"Come here," He demanded with a smirk on his face, unfortunately as his assistant I had to listen.

Silently she walked towards me, her fear was so evident you could practically smell it.


"Sit down," I said, she did as I asked and sat down. I shuffle the cards in my hand then give us each the same amount.

"Do you know how to play B.S.?" Her cute face twisted in confusion.


"Let's play then," Her eyes widened, and she looked shocked by what I said.

"Mr. Todoroki I don't think I should I have w-" Clearly what I said caused some sort of nervousness in her.

"You can do that later, for now let's just play a game,"I cut her off.

After a quick two rounds I got bored. There were no stakes, no sacrifices, no nothing. So I decided to make it fun.

"What if we make a bet?" I asked her.

"Uhh, I don't know if we should," She was hesitant and wise about making decisions.

"If you win you get a day off in bank." I said, hoping it would convince her.


"Come on, please?" I look her in the eyes and asked softly. A small little frown tugged at the corner of my lips.

"Okay...but what do you get if you win?" She asked anxiously.


"You'll see when I win." What he said left y/n worried , and ready to fight for her sake.

'Damn it! She's won four games, Jeez let me win at least one.'  Todoroki thought to himself as his time to win ran out.

Luckily for him he won the last match they played.

"So you won...what do you want?" She asked un more relaxed than earlier, but she still had a bad feeling about his request.

"Kiss me." He said, causing his assistants face to turn an unholy shade of red.

"I'm sorry what?" She asked, though she heard what he said she just couldn't believe it.

"I said...Kiss. Me." He said again, this time he was hovering over her closely causing her to almost stop breathing.

"I-" Her words were cut off by his lips locking with hers. She didn't hesitate or argue she just kissed back. The kiss lasted for a while they occasionally split to breathe so they could soothe their aching lungs.

Suddenly they pulled away because they were startled by the door opening.

"Everything is done so you can go home for today," Midoriya looked up from his stack of papers at y/n.

"O-Oh uh y-yea you're right," A nervous chuckle left her lips as she began to grab her bag, and tidy her desk a little.

As she got ready to leave Todoroki's heterochromic eyes stayed on y/n's soft lips until she walked out the door to go home.

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