My plan (Iida X Reader)

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"Nice situation we're in, right?" You speak with a sarcastic tone as you spoke to your partner, your lips pressed together as you think on everything that led up to this situation.

You, and your were sent on a mission, and now the both of you were caught, this wouldn't have happened if you two could get along, but that seemed impossible.

Whenever you tried to have a conversation it ended with you guys arguing like cats and dogs. The issue was though you were both smart, you never acted like it, but he did.

Iida thought things through and was stubborn, you were stubborn, you just didn't think things through, that's exactly why they paired you two up.

He was like your guardian, a very annoying one you might say, but he was still your guardian none the less.

"If you had just listened to me" Iida, who was clad in metal armor spoke.

"I didn't want to listen, I wanted to prove that my plan wasn't an absolute disaster for once!" You shouted, tears began to fill your eyes.

That wasn't what you wanted, not to get captured, you wanted to prove that your out of pocket plans could work.

"Your plans always work, you always stop me from doing stupid things, just let me prove that I'm more than just crazy plans, let me prove that I'm more than the chaos I cause." Your voice broke, you felt like saying more, but you couldn't speak anymore, you just started crying.

Tenya Iida sat there quietly processing your speech. He understood now, he was once like that, smart, but impulsive.

The navy haired man began trying to escape, both of you tied together back to back. It took a few minutes, but he freed himself, and helped you out too.

Then he broke the long sad silence that had settled in the room, "I're grown up, you can make the decisions best for you. I'm sorry-" He paused to wipe your tears.

Iida cupped your face in his strong, warm hands, you looked him in the eye trying to read his eyes.

"I'm sorry I'm overbearing, I know I am at times, I just fear that if you ever got hurt I'd never forgive myself." He continued speaking.

"I care so much that I can't let you get hurt, we've been partners for years, and over that time I fell for you." Iida's eyes glimmered, the emotions he felt were proven by his eyes.

A smile spread across your face, "You know, I probably sound crazy, but I fell in love with you a long time ago, I was waiting for you to do the same." A chuckle bubbles out of you.

"Well, how are we going to get out this room, after we can go on a first date." He asked.

"We can go up the vent, navigate our way out from there." You suggested, he nodded.

So then the escape began.

Tenya Iida held you up on his shoulders as you removed the vent cover, you crawl into the vent and helped him up into it. You both already had the file you need so the escape was simple.

Both of you shimmied through the vents of the building, and found your way out. The second you stepped off enemy ground Iida stopped and asked you something.

"So, where will our first date be?"

"I'm not sure, we'll have to think about that, but we know for sure it shouldn't be while we're held captive on enemy ground." You joked, the both of you continued walking until you reached the nearest bus station.

From there you went to your headquarters to give them the files.

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