Control your children (Todoroki X Reader)

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"Oh what the hell!" You shouted irritated with what you saw.

"What's wrong little one?" Your boyfriend asked.

There were flames dancing on a blanket on the floor. This was normal but you didn't expect it at six in the morning on a Sunday.

"You are aware it's Sunday, right? S-U-N-D-A-Y." You spelt out from him.

"Yea, why?"

"There is fire on the floor at six am!" You looked at him with your eyebrows scrunched together.

"Well, looking at me with a frown isn't gonna solve the problem." He said sarcastically.

"Todoroki control your children !" You toss your hands in the air.

"They're your children too." He said taking a sip of coffee.

"Well I carried both of them for nine months, and gave birth to them. Just hold the twins while I put out the fire." You scooped them up and placed them in his arms.

You put out the fire, and got rid of the blanket. Though you were proud of your daughter for developing her quirk you didn't like that she almost burnt the house down.

Your daughter had inherited part of her fathers quirk, but you weren't sure what your son would inherit. Would he inherit your water quirk? You thought to yourself as you tried to clean up the twins room.

"Y/n!" Shoto called from the master bedroom.

"Yes? What could it be now?" You walked into the room to something that made your eyes widen.

The curtains were scorched, and half of the things you owned were burnt, but the fire was gone. Todoroki and the twins were soaked in water and so was almost everything in the room.

"When I say control the children that's not what I meant." You deadpanned.

"Now all three of you get changed, so you don't catch a cold and we're going to Uncle Deku's house then the park." You said, the children cheered.

Your boyfriend changed his clothes, and the clothes on your kids and you went to Midoriya's house where you picked up his to go to the park.

You and his wife sat down watching the two men play with the kids and relaxed.

No more kids, I already have two and a boyfriend to deal with. You thought to yourself, and continued to watch them have fun.

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