Glad I met him first (Tamaki Amajiki X Reader)

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"I'm sorry about that-" A navy haired boy whispered an apology as he picked up my art supplies.

"It's fine! I should've looked where I was walking,"

I was so lost, I went looking for the hero course on my own, but I got lost and no longer have a clue of where I am.

"I'm kinda new here, could you maybe help me around?" It was my chance to get some help.

"S-sure, where do you want to go?" He asked handing me my brushes.

"Hero course class 1-A... I think," I looked at my schedule Principal Nezu had printed out for me just to be sure.

"F-follow me," The shy looking boy kept his head down and eyes to the floor as he lead me to the class 1-A homeroom.

The long seemingly endless hallways seemed familiar to him, like he's been there for years. As we walked through the halls of the prestigious U.A High I felt a little nervous to meet my new class m, but also very excited.

Being so lost in my vivid thoughts and imagination I didn't realize we had made it there. A big sign above the door said: 1-A.

"Thank you!" I said once I had realized we had arrived at my designated destination.

His cheeks brushed with pink, eyes still to the ground said stuttering a bit, "Glad to help,"

That's when I realized, his name...I never asked for his name! He already began shuffling away from the room.

"Excuse me, but what's your name?" I call out from where I stood in front of the door.

He stopped, turned around and said softly, "Tamaki Amajiki,"

For about a minute or two we looked at each other in awkward silence before he started to walk away again. Then I realized he never knew who I was.

"My name is Y/n, nice to meet you by the way," I ran up to him, stopping him in his tracks. A warm smile spread on my face as I stretched my hand out for a handshake.

He took my hand to shake it, Amajiki's hands were shaking, he looked so nervous too. Poor thing was really shy.

"I'll leave you alone now, have a nice day," I said without being as hyper and energetic as I was before so I would scare him.

Amajiki looked so delicate and cute he reminded me of a bunny, he was cute like one too.

"Bye." He put his hands in his pockets and continued on his way silently shuffling down the halls.

"Bye." I whispered when he was too far away to hear, "Hopefully I meet you again,"

My heart fluttered, maybe it was love at first sight or some weird love potion, but this guy unlocked some magical feeling in me.

I went to class with a bunch of loud boys and the whole time all I could think was: "I'm glad I met him first,"

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