Chapter 45- Shower Therapy

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Andy's Point of View

It's been almost 3 weeks since we lost Bandit. It's nearly March now, spring is in full bloom.

I get out of bed and go to the bathroom. The reflection staring back at me is rugged and warried. I have more than just a little stubble growing on my face, I haven't found the time or will to shave it. My hair is long and disheveled, greasy from not washing enough.

I turn away from my reflection, and from what I can see that this grief has done to me. Quickly I drop down the stairs, and go in to the kitchen where I pour a cup of coffee and grab a bottle of beer out of the fridge. I then make my way back up stairs and head into what was to be our baby's nursery.

Sierra, my beautiful girlfriend, sits curled with her legs up to her chest in the rocking chair near the crib. Dried tears stained her cheeks, her skin is ashy, her jet black hair limp and lifeless.

"Angel..." I whisper near her. "Sierra."

Her eyes flutter open. "Andy. Morning."

"Here." I press the cup of coffee into her hand.

She smiles her thanks and gulps from the mug. I sit beside her and drink from my beer.

"What time is it?" She asks once she's finished her coffee.

"Almost eleven. We need to get ready to go."

Clearing her throat awkwardly she fiddles with mug handle. "Actually... I don't think I'm feeling up to going out today... maybe you should go without me...?"

Annoyance flashes through me. I realize that she's hurting, but so am I. And she's left me completely alone.

"Sierra," I try to keep my anger out of my voice. "You haven't left the house in almost a month. You've ignored everyone that cares about you and you're hardly eating."

"Well how am I supposed to be handling this?!"

"With me! We're a team."

Sierra bites her lip and her eyes water.

"Tonight will be good for us, okay? We need to get better." I say, softening my voice. "Now come on. Lets get clean."

I stand and pick Sierra up bridal style and carry her into our bathroom where I set her on the counter. Then I turn on the hot water and get the shower going.

I turn back to Sierra and slowly pull her sweatshirt off and slide her shorts down her legs. After pulling off her underwear I set her into the shower and quickly undress myself, getting in with her.

I lather body wash in my hands and soap up her back and shoulders. As I reach around her sides to soap her breasts a shiver runs up her spine.

Her shoulders begin to shake and she turns slowly around to face me.

"What did I ever do to deserve someone like you?" She whispers, her voice watery.

I smile gently and pull her body flush against mine, wrapping my arms around her.

"I love you Andy." She murmurs and presses a soft kiss against my collarbone.

Leaning down I press my lips against hers. She kisses me back immediately and I realize she's missed me as much as I've missed her. Too consumed by our grief we'd barely pecked each other on the lips, let alone console ourselves in each others touch.

I push Sierra up against the wall and she tugs her fingers through my hair.

"I love you too."

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