Chapter Three- Move In With Me

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Sierra's Point of View

I turn on the radio and tap the steering wheel along to Nirvana. Andy's car turn's into a neighborhood of town homes and he pulls up in front of a dark red one. I park in the driveway next to him and get out.

"Wow," I say. "This is nice."

"Yeah," Andy says, leading me up to the black painted door. He pulls out a pair of keys and unlocks the door, walking inside and closing it after me. The house is fairly bare - there's nothing on the walls and only basic furnishings, but I'm not complaining.

He gives me a tour a the place, making weird comments. "And this is a lounge room known to most humans as...a living room!" I giggle and follow him into the kitchen where he says: "Some scientists believe that this is the part of the house where sustenance is made and consumed, now if you will, there are rooms of an upper level which we will get to by climbing a flight of stairs."

We walk up the stairs and Andy says "Here is where bathing and self grooming takes place, and this is any empty space now known as......your bedroom!" He finishes with a grand bow and I laugh.

"You already know I can live here?" I ask. "Shouldn't I meet the person I'll be living with?"

He chuckles. "You already have. I live here and it just so happens that I need a roommate, so you are my new roommate. I mean, if you want to, because if you don't then I can find somewhere else-"

"No, Andy, it's perfect." I smile at him. "It's a little bare, but it's perfect."

"Well, maybe you can help me decorate it tomorrow or something?" He glances at his phone. "We have to meet the guys in about an hour, so if you want to take a shower or something then you can go ahead."

"Okay, hey, um, I don't mean to pry or anything, but I thought you lived with Juliet?"

"Yeah, I did. But about a week ago we decided that after being together for so long it felt like our relationship wasn't going anywhere, so we both left on good terms. I bought this place, and kept Crow, while she stayed in the apartment with Femme."

{A.N.: I realize that Andy and Juliet are dating at the moment, but I came up with this solution because I love them both and needed a reason for Andy to be single, yet I didn't want that reason to be because Juliet had cheated or didn't even exist. Shout out to my Mama Snake <3!!}

"Oh." I say awkwardly. "Well, I think I will take you up on that shower."

"There's a towel in there and so, yeah..." He turns and walks down the hallway to his bedroom and goes inside.

I walk back out to my car and grab my suitcase with my clothes and makeup in it. I pull it up the stairs and into the bathroom. I shut the door and begin to pull my shirt off when a throat clears. I turn to see Andy standing behind me, blushing.

"Sorry, I uh, forgot to mention that it's a uh, jack and jill this door leads to my room and that one leads to yours..." He stutters.

"Oh, uhm, okay..." I say awkwardly before he shuts the door and I turn back around.

As I pull off my tank top the lace catches onto the scabs on my hips. "Dammit," I mutter and grab a few tissues and press them to the cuts. I'm careful taking off my jeans and bracelets so I don't open anymore cuts. I have to be careful around Andy and his friends. I already know their view point on self harm and it's not something I enjoy discussing. I turn on the water and wait for it to warm up. As I face the mirror I can't help but think how ugly I am. I'm fat, and short, and scarred, and cut. And Andy in the room next to me, someone who has shown me so much compassion and friendship with hardly even knowing who I was...I blush, thinking of his icy blue eyes and full pink lips.

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