Chapter Ten- Where Have You Been?

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Sierra's Point of View

My heart literally drops into my stomach when I see those hazel-green eyes. The confusion on Andy's face is clear and he looks back and forth between the two of us before opening his mouth to speak. But he doesn't get the chance to because Dylan rushes forward and holds me to his chest. I inhale his scent and hug him back. He smells the same way he did back in high school. Like cloves, spearmint, and pot.

He used to be a really big weed head but he wasn't when I left.

Suddenly Dyl pulls back and kisses me full on the mouth. On instinct I weave my fingers through his hair and kiss him back just as passionately. We kiss for what seems like hours but I know is only minutes. When we finally pull apart, Andy is standing there, staring at us with a wounded expression on his face.

"Andy, I need to explain to you wh-" I start but he cuts me off.

"No, you guys catch up and have fun." He tries to smile but it turns into a grimace. "Let me know when your ready to go home Sierra. Unless you make other plans..."

And with that he walks away.

"How well do you two know each other?" Dylan says, and I can't help but smile as I gaze at his face.

"We live together."

Jealousy, confusion, and admiration mix in his eyes.

"Why?" Dyl asks.

"He helped me get on my feet when I first came out here."

"Oh." Dylan nods. "So do you wanna dance or talk?"

"I'm in a dancing mood," I say. We lace our fingers together and begin to move to the music.

It's hard for me to focus though, with Andy standing in the kitchen with Matt, his eyes on me the whole time.

"I think we should go talk," I say after we've danced for a while. Dylan and I head out to the backyard and sit on a pair of benches.

"So...." I say. "What are you doing here?"

"Well, I don't really know. I was ready to get away. I missed you and I didn't know where you were, none of us did. But I ran into Matt (you know Andy's-"

"I know Matt." I say.

"Anyway, we grew up together and just happened to run into each other..And I don't know,  I just moved out here and I'm living with him now."

I nod. We end up talking for hours, I ask him about our families and how they are. He asks about my new life. We talk about how much we've changed, how much we missed each other. And then he brings up the topic I've been dreading and anticipating from the moment I saw him.

"Sierra....." Dylan starts. I can tell by the tone of his voice where he's going. "Why did you leave that night.... You just left me there, without any answers and then that very night you were gone. What happened?"

He looks at me with those sad hazel eyes and I melt. I don't tell him about Zach (Sophie's boyfriend who raped me) but I tell him everything else.

"Dylan, I honestly don't know. I was happy. For the first time in my life, with you I was truly happy. I could be myself with you....And I loved you. I really did. But that night, I...we had just graduated. Our lives were finally our own. And then that night you was perfect. It was really wonderful and I was so happy. But then when you....when you came to that well I. I don't know. I wanted to say yes. I wanted to with every fiber of my being."

"......So why didn't you?" Dylan asks.

"We were seventeen Dylan! It just seemed like it was happening too fast. You were the only boy I ever dated and for me to marry you without having even lived my life....I just got scared. I left and went home and it was the worst mistake I've ever done. I'm so sorry I left you like that. It was wrong and stupid and I just. I'm so sorry. I loved you so much. I still do.."

"I love you too Sierra." He pulls a box out of his pocket and I just stare at him. "I've been carrying this everywhere. So please Sierra.... will you marry me?"

Author's Note:

Hai my lovelies! How are you enjoying the book so far? What should Sierra say? Should she marry Dylan? Or naw? Lol and if you got my the Manchester Orchestra reference for the chapter title then I love you even more! Until next time! CX


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