Chapter Thirteen- While You Were Gone

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Sierra's Point Of View

The airport is cool and I tighten my sweater around me. Andy and the guys made a quick stop at a restaurant to eat before their boarding time.

"Don't worry." Sammi takes hold of my hand. "The first tour is always the hardest."

"How did you know I was worried?" I ask.

"You bite your lip and have taken to sucking your labret in and out."


Ella returns from the bathroom and sits with us. "Where are the boys?"

"Food." Is all I have to say and she nods.

We sit there, taking funny pictures and post them to our various social media sites before the boys return.

Andy takes the seat next to me and holds my hand. Jinxx pulls Sammi onto his lap, Jake wraps his arm around Ella and CC and Ashley sit alone. (Lauren is working today so she and CC said their goodbyes yesterday.) And Ash is Ash.

"All passengers boarding Flight Number 645789 please enter your gates now."

With sad looks at each other we stand up and say our final goodbyes.

"I'm really, really gonna miss you. I'll call whenever I can," Andy says, holding me close.

"Okay. Try not to get into too much trouble."

"No promises."

He gives me a heart stopping grin and leans in, pressing his lips to mine. I kiss him back and immediately miss him the moment he pulls back.

"Let's go Lover-Boy Biersack." CC says, pulling Andy by the hood of his jacket away from me.

Andy sends me a wink before catching up with the guys. We watch them until they finally enter the gate and we can't see them any more.

"Cmon," Sammi wraps an arm around my shoulders and I link arms with Ella and we all head back to the parking lot.

*At Home*

I unlock the door and walk inside. Crow zips up to me and purrs against my legs. I bend down and pick him up. "Hey sweetie," I coo, giving his ears a good scratch. Still holding him I walk upstairs and to my bedroom, where I undress and slip into bed, Crow nestling against my shoulders as I doze off.

*At Work A Few Weeks Later*

"Sierra!" Allie shakes my shoulder.

"Huh? What?" I look up from my daze and see Allie's concerned green eyes looking down at me.

"Are you okay hun?"

"Hm? Yeah, why?"

"Because you're sitting out back still dragging on a cigarette butt." She replys, sitting next to me.

I look down at the cigarette I'd been smoking for the past half hour and indeed it is burned out. I blush and flick it into the ashtray.

"Sorry," I mumble.

"What's eating you?"

"I just miss Andy," I sigh.

"Oh hunny," She wraps a skinny arm around me and squeezes. "Now I get that you and Mr. Rock and Roll hooked up right before he left but you can't let yourself become one of those lifeless bimbos that rely on their man. He'll be home soon and in the mean time you need to occupy yourself."

I nod. Even though her words were a little harsh I know they're out of motherly love. She's right. I can't let myself be some vapid boy crazy zombie.

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