Chapter Twenty Eight- Beaches and Brats

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Sierra's Point of View

I recline on the couch and stare down at my sketchpad. My pencil dances across the page, adding shadows and fur and texture. I've almost got the angle of the ear just right when Crow yawns and ruins the whole thing.

"Damn you." I mutter as he settles back into his spot next to Lux. He's taken to her so well in the last couple of weeks since my birthday. Andy and I were expecting at least a little distain from Crow toward Lux since he was no longer the only animal in the house but I guess he was used to sharing the limelight with Femme - Juliet's cat. But he kinda took Lux under his wing, the way a father would a daughter. Crow trails her around everywhere, watches her climb and try new things, makes sure she eats, naps with her....It's honestly the cutest thing I have ever witnessed.

That's what they're doing now: Napping on my lap, all curled around each other. And then I had the great idea to sketch them, but Crow yawns every two minutes so to hell with that brilliant idea.

"Are you cussing out my cat, Sierra?" Andy asks, walking out of the kitchen with a box of leftover Chinese food in his hand.


Andy shakes his finger at me and clicks his tongue. "Now that's unacceptable."

He moves my legs and sits, placing them on his lap and facing the tv.

"Maybe he deserved it?" I say, leaning forward and snagging a noodle.

"First you disrespect my cat. Now you steel my noodles. What kind of a relationship is this dammit?"

"A loving one?"

Andy looks at me, mock glaring, and then smiles. "Damn right." He picks up a forkfull of noodles and holds it out toward me. "Ahh."

I open my mouth and slurp the noodles oh so classy like. Andy just snickers and looks away, before looking back at me with a small smile on his face.

"What?" I ask.

"Nothing. I just love you."

It's times like these when Andy goes all mushy that I really see him as he truly is. Yes he's immature at times, and a real goofball. But he's also honest and true. I can see that in his eyes. They was he looks at me and his friends. I can't help but blush and smile back at him. I don't even have to reply. He sees everything in the way I look at him. We continue our little smilely, blushy, middle school crush like moment, just staring at each other.

And then his phone rings.

Andy passes me the food and pulls his phone out of his pocket. "I gotta take this." He stands and walks into the kitchen. "Hello?"

I fork up another bite of noodles and face the tv, watching as Jennifer Lawrence is dragged into a basement by her psycho boyfriend. Poor Jen. She screams and then he knocks her out.


I turn toward Andy, who stands at the counter in the kitchen.

"How would you feel about doing an interview and photoshoot for a magazine about our relationship?"

Someone wants to interview me and Andy? I don't really know how I feel about telling everyone the ins and outs of our relationship...


He nods and turns back, finishing his conversation before hanging up.

"Are you free this Thursday?"


"Kay. We go to their set at eight Thursday morning."


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