Chapter Twenty Nine- Beaches and Brats Continued

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Sierra's Point of View

I lean myself closer into Andy's embrace. He wraps his strong, tattooed arms around me and I force a smile onto my face.

What those two girls said earlier has stuck with me all day. It replays over and over in my mind. I know Andy is worried. He hasn't left my side since we met back up with everyone.

I mean, I'm not an waif with no self-esteem, but I'm not gushing confidence either. Andy always tells me that he thinks I'm beautiful and it wasn't until I met him that I even considered my self attractive. And then when I got hired at Metal Models I felt a little better about myself.

But when those young girls today called me all those things, it was as if all my self-esteem dropped below zero. Every time Andy looks at me I second guess our relationship and myself. Why would he want me? What could he see in me? I'm not pale, or skinny. My hair is always a mess. I'm shorter than any girl my age. I've been raped countless times. What could Andy find so great about me?

"Let's head home." Lauren and CC stand to leave first. I give them both hugs.

"Text me. We need to hang." Lauren says. I nod and wave goodbye as she and CC drive away.

Next to leave is Jake and Ella. And after them Jinxx and Ashley decide to hit up a few clubs close to here.

"You ready to go?" Andy asks me.

I nod and he helps me up. Holding hands we make our way back to the car. The drive home is silent except for the radio.

When we get back to our house I climb out and hurry inside, Andy on my heels.

Lux pounces to me with Crow not far behind. I lean down on the carpet and stroke their soft fur.

"Sierra...." Andy sits next to me and begins to run his hands through my frizzy curls. "Angel.... Please talk to me...."

"..What do you want me to say Andy?"

"I want to know that you're okay."

Tears sting my eyes and a knot forms in my throat.

"Well I'm not. I'm not ofuckingkay Andy. I know it's stupid of me to be so upset over something children said but I can't help it."

My shoulders begin to shake and Andy scoots behind me, laying me back against his chest.

"Shhhh... I understand that youre upset and you have every right to be. I just wish you could see yourself the way your friends and family see you. Even the people you tattoo and model with love you. Those girls we're just immature and jealous of our relationship."

What he's saying makes sense but I'm so upset I can't even reply. Andy rocks me back and forth, Crow and Lux in my lap, purring against me.

"Shhh..." He starts to hum Carolyn in my ear and after a few minutes when I've cried myself I begin to hiccup.

"Come on."

Andy picks me up - Crow and Lux jump to the floor, slightly annoyed that we're moving - and carries me up the stairs.

I'm reminded of when Zack attacked me at Warped Tour and the way Andy took care of me and consoled me. I'm not sure if he ever knew but I did cut briefly after that incident. If Andy hadn't been there I probably would have completely given up and killed myself. But he helped me through it and I was surrounded by my friends constantly after that.

Andy carries me to his bedroom and lays me on his bed. I stare blankly at the ceiling as he removes my shoes and pulls the blankets over me.

"I'll be right back." He says.

Once again I wonder what I ever did to deserve a man like Andy. He's always there for me, and he's incredibly thoughtful and sweet. He's not perfect by a long shot, but he's perfect for me.

"Here." Andy hands me a mug of my green tea. I sip from it and my hiccups slowly decrease.

"Thank you." I whisper. "I can't ever tell you enough how much I appreciate you, how happy you make me, how safe you make me feel. I love you so much Andy."

With a gentle smile on his face he climbs into bed with me and holds me close to his body.

"I love you too Angel."

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