Chapter Twenty- Dont Jinxx It

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Andy's Point of View

"Babe! Come on! Just tell me whats wrong?"

I turn to see Sammi storming down the hall, Jinxx following after her. She locks herself in my room (where Sierra is at the moment) and Jinxx pleads for her to talk to him.

"Hey man," I say. "What happened?"

"I don't know....Sammi's been in a pissy mood lately and won't tell me why. When I asked her if she wanted to hang out with the guys at some club tonight she freaked on me and left."

"Okay, don't worry. She's probably just PMSing. Sierra will calm her down and send her back."

"How lucky are you." He runs a hand through his dark hair, eyes flashing. "Why'd you get the perfect girl?"

"Uhhh-" A that moment he realizes the door to the room had been open and Sammi - tears running down her bright red face - had heard everything.

"Fuck you Jinxx." And she slams the door in our faces. I can hear her sobs and Sierra trying to console her.

"GODDAMMIT!" Jinxx roars, and slams a fist into the wall before storming to the elevators and leaving.

I stand there a little unsure of what to do before knocking softly on the door.

"Fuck off!" Sammi yells.

A moment later the door opens and Sierra's brown eyes peer up at me.

"I'm so sorry Andy, but we're going to be here a while. Do you think you could hang with the guys and try calming Jinxx down?"

"Sure thing Angel." I give her a quick peck on the lips and follow after Jinxx.

"Andy!" Ashley yells when I get to the lounge. "What's up with Jinxx man?"

"He and Sammi are kinda.... in a fight. Did you see where he went?"

"He just left, muttering about wives and how he'd find someone who would enjoy his company."

"Dammit." I say, biting on my lip ring. "Are there any bars or clubs nearby?"

"At least ten in each direction."

"Shit. Grab the guys and let's go."

Matt, Ashley, and Ronnie follow me into the sixth club and we have yet to find Jinxx. Jake, CC, Danny, and Ben are the other group and have checked four bars and three clubs. I lead the guys to the back, avoiding the dance floor and drunk girls. Just as I'm about to accept that he's not here I see a figure slumped in the back of a booth. Dark hair spills across his face and I move it away my hopes rising. And then falling again when I see it's not him.

"Andy." I turn to my friend Ronnie, who adjusts the baseball cap on his head. "I don't think we're gonna find him. It's close to midnight and these places are about to be full swing."

"Yeah," Matt chimes in. "He could've gone back to the hotel or...gone home with someone he met. Let's call it a night. He'll be back, we're leaving for Austin tomorrow and he can't miss that."

I rub the nape of my neck. "Alright. Let's go."

"Where's Ash?" Ronnie points out.

"Shit." I mutter. "Okay, he can't of gone that far."

"Found him." Matt points toward the bar where Ashley is flirting with some brunette in a tight silver dress.

"Really man, really?" I grip the back of his collar and drag him off the stool.

"Fuck man, you guys are no fun." We grip his arms and sulk back to the hotel, defeated.

While in the elevator my phone rings. "Hello?"

"You find him?" Jake's muffled voice asks.

"No, you?"

"No. We're calling it a night."

"Same here," I push the button for our floor. "He'll be back tomorrow."

"Okay. We're on our way back."

I hang up and make my way to my room. I knock softly on the door and Sierra opens it.

"Come on in. Sammi went back to her room to wait for Jinxx. Are they talking?"

I follow my beautiful girlfriend into the room and shut the door behind me. "Nope. He went out and are couldn't find him."

"Ohhhh no." Sierra groans, flopping onto the bed.

"Yeah." I join her and sigh, happy to be off my feet. Her curls are sprawled across the black blanket and I run my finger through them.

"I'm gonna take a shower." Sierra stands up and pauses by the bathroom door. "Would you like to join me?"

All my fatigue vanishes and I grin standing up. "I'll be right in." I say.

She smiles at me and I hear the water start. I kick off my shoes and walk into the bathroom, shutting the door. Sierra already stands in the shower stall, her long hair sticking to her back. I quickly shuck off my black jeans and boxers and Nirvana tshirt before joining Sierra in the shower. I wrap my arms around her from behind and hug her to my chest.

"Give me love like her..." I sing softly, swaying with Sierra. "Cause lately I've been waking up alone."

"Paint splattered tear drops on my shirt..." Sierra sings back.

We sing to each other softly, and dance under the jets of hot water. When it finally runs cold we take turns toweling each other off before crawling into bed together.

The next morning I sit up to see Sierra's side of the bed empty. I get up and pull on a pair of boxers and sweats before searching for her. I hear crying from the hallway and look out to find Sierra in one of my t-shirts and Sammi curled against her sobbing.

"Shhhhhhh." Sierra strokes her hair soothingly. "Shhhhh, we'll make it through this."

Sammi shakes her head. "I'm going home in a few hours. I need to pack and get everything of mine gone before he gets home. Where am I gonna livveeeee!?" She wails.

"Andy go find Jinxx." Sierra whispers and then says to Sammi, "Come on darling, let's get you packed and cleaned up."

They stand and go back to Sammi and Jinxx's room. I grab a pair of shoes and my hoodie before heading to the bar on the third floor with the lounge. Jinxx sits slumped against the counter, a Jack Daniel's in is hand.

"Dude...." I say. "What hap-"

"Sammi and I are getting a divorce."







Yeah I know. I thought that since Sammi and Jinxx are actually divorced it was time they divorced in the book. ): yeah I know. And No I don't know the reason for their divorce, I made up this situation for my book and it is completely false.


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