Chapter Thirty Six- Old Friends, New Problems

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Sierra's Point of View

"Morning Amy." I say, walking into the kitchen. Amy sits at the kitchen table with a cup of coffee.

"Good morning Sierra. How are you feeling?"

"I was sick earlier but I'm feeling better now." I say, shaking out a few prenatals and swallowing them down.

"I was sick all the time when I was pregnant with Andy."

"Really?" I take a seat next to her with a glass of milk. "I was really queasy at the beginning but I didn't really think about it. And then I started getting more sick in the last couple weeks. But I didn't even consider that I was pregnant."

"Well you aren't even showing." Amy giggles. "I started popping at two months. You're here at - how far along are you?"

"Four months."

"You're here at four months and haven't even gained any weight. When I was at four months with Andy I couldn't fit any of my jeans."

"Wow! Well, for my modelings sake I hope it's a little longer before I show. I have a few gigs that I need to be...not pregnant looking for."

"Even if you were you'd still be beautiful." Andy says, walking into the kitchen.

I blush and smile at my boyfriend through my lashes. "Thank you." I whisper.

"So what are you doing today mom?"

"Actually I am going to go visit Juliet." Amy says.

Andy chokes on the orange juice he'd been drinking. "What? Why?"

"Just because you broke up with her doesn't make her not someone I'm fond of." Amy says. "I still talk to her."

"Okay..." Andy says.

I sit quietly, feeling a little conflicted.

So what if Amy still talks to Juliet. It's not like she likes her better than me....Wait! What if she does? I mean. Juliet and Andy were together for around 3 years! How could she not like Juliet better than me? I've only been with Andy for barely over half a year and she just met me yesterday. I bet she secretly wishes Andy were still dating Juliet.

No, stop it Sierra. Your hormones are getting the best of you. Don't worry about it. She's just going to visit her.

"I'm gonna go ahead and hit the road." I say, standing. I smile at Andy and his mom and then hurry upstairs to grab my bag and my shoes.


I turn to see Andy standing behind me. "What?"

"Don't worry about Juliet."

"Ha! Worry? Who's worrying?"

He gives me a look. "I know you better than that Sierra. You bit your lip when my mom said her name. I want you to know that there is absolutely nothing there."

"Okay." I shove my feet into a pair of sandals and slip my bag on over my shoulder. "Really Andy, I'm fine."

He links his hand with mine and we walk downstairs together. He walks me outside to my car and holds my door open for me.

"Have a good day. I'll see you tonight." Andy says and leans down to press his lips to mine.

"Bye baby." I smile and start the engine, pulling out of the driveway.

Andy's Point of View

My dad went with my mom to visit Juliet soon after Sierra left. I'm now on my way to CC's house to hang with the guys.

I park out front and head up to the door, walking in without knocking.

"What's up guys?" I say.

"Hey man."


"You guys wanna order a pizza?"

I jump on the couch and pick up a video game controller, adding myself into the COD game with Ashley and Jinxx.

"Diediediediediediediedie!" Ashley yells, leaning so far forward he falls off the couch.

I chuckle, watching him scrambling to see the screen.

"OH SHIT!" I scream, not realizing I've walked right into an ambush. "FUCK GUYS SAVE ME! FUCK!"

"Bitch." Ashley mutters underneath his breath.

I toss my controller down and tackle him to the floor. "Who's the bitch now?" I ask sitting on his back.

"You're about to be the bitch now!" Ashley taunts, trying to roll me off his back.

I grab a pillow and smash it into his face. "You like that bitch!?"

And then I hear a camera click. I pause and turn to see CC recording with his phone the whole thing.

"Did you just make a video?" Ashley asks him.

"Maybe." CC says, still recording.

"Delete it." I say.

"What? No way!"

"You guys walked right into that one." Jinxx mutters, still fixated on the video game. "Just hold out hope that the fans won't turn it into some twisted Andley bondage."

My eyes widen in horror and I jump off of Ashley and vault myself over the couch - finally my gazelle legs came in handy for something.

CC squeals and takes off down the hall, Ashley and I hot on his heels.

"Your ass is grass!" I yell, pushing the bedroom door open.

Ashley tackles CC to the floor and I wrestle his phone away from him.

"GOT IT!" I shout clicking on the delete button.


I throw the phone at CC and then Ashley and I go running from the room.

"So, how's everything going with what's her name?" I ask, plopping back on the couch next to Jinxx.

"You mean Brianna?" Jinxx says.


"It's fine. We went out to the movies last night and then we went back to her apartment."

"Are we ever gonna meet her?"


I shrug. It's good that he's moving on. For a while he pulled the whole Ashley thing and slept with a different girl each night but then he met Brianna at some club a few weeks ago and now they're kinda a thing.

"Is everything set up for the Blackmass tour?"

"Yeah. FIR is getting their last minute changes done and then they'll be ready."


My phone rings and I pull it out of my pocket, Sierra's contact image on my screen.

"Hello Angel." I say.

"Is this Andy Biersack?"

My eyebrows furrow in confusion at the strange woman's voice on my phone.

"It is."

"Your girlfriend, Sierra Pann has been excessively sick on the job today and fainted at one point."

My heart squeezes.

"She's on her way to the hospital right now."

"Holy shit...." I gasp and hang up. "Oh God. The baby..."

"What?" Jake asks.

I don't listen though. Im on my feet and running to my car before they can even stand up.

Oh my God, what happened to Sierra?? Is the baby gonna be okay?

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