Chapter Nine- Ignorance is Bliss

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Sierras Point of View

The next morning - or afternoon - i get up and walk straight into the bathroom. I woke up later than i should have and Andy and i are supposed to head over to Jinxx and Sammi's, where the party will be. Andy and i promised to help set up and stay for break down.

I lock the doors and shower quickly. Then i dry myself off, put on a pair of black underwear and bra, and start on my makeup. I pull my hair back before putting on black eye shadow, and eyeliner and blood red lipstick. I brush my teeth before the next step. I open up the plastic package i got last week and pull out a small pair of fangs and a tube of adhesive. I read the directions before squirting a small amount of glue into the pocket of the fang. I wait fifteen seconds and then press the fang on over my canine.

Once its dry i repeat for the other side. And then i pull on a long sleeved black shirt and a pair of white shorts. I dont have time to cover my legs with make up so i try my best to ignore the feeling of exposure. I hurry back into my room where i pull my lavender hair out and do a quick side braid.

"Sierra?" Andy knocks on my door.


"We need to leave," he says, opening the door. I grab my purse and the giant garment bag that has my costume before turning around. He looks away and we walk downstairs together. We dont speak as we get into Andys car and begin to drive to Sammi and Jinxx's. Andy is wearing a pair of black super skinny jeans, maybe three or four belts, and ripped black metallica tee.

I see his eyes flick over my legs a few times before we pull into the driveway. I quickly climb out and grab my things before making my way up to the door. Andy follows right behind me as i unlock the door -Sammi gave me a key (we've become really good friends in the last few weeks).

"Sierra!" Sammi wraps her skinny arms around my neck the moment i walk in. She pulls back and looks down at me, shes maybe 3 inches taller. "I cant wait to see what your costume is!" She turns and gives Andy a hug before turning to face us.

"Okay, Jinxx went to go get drinks and food and all that shit and so we need to have everything ready by 5. Its almost 2 so, go put your things up in the guest bedroom and then well start setting up."

I nod and giggle as we head up stairs. I set my things down and right as Im about to leave, Andy grabs my hand, mindful of my arms.

"Look, Sierra, about yesterday. Im really sorry if i-"

"Dont worry about it." i smile up at him. "Its fine." And then i walk downstairs to help Sammi.

Andys Point of View

I walk into the kitchen and open the fridge, pulling out one of Jinxx's beers. I pop the cap and take a few drinks before heading into the living room. Sierra and Sammi walk up from the basment with a few boxes in their arms. They set them on the floor before opening them and pulling out the numerous Halloween decorations inside. I lean over and help them hang things on the wall, since im taller than both of them.

*2 Hours Later*

I finish teasing my hair and then hairspray it, to make sure it stands up in the spikes the way it used to when i was younger. I grab some eyeliner out of the bathroom drawer and run it around my eyes. Then I apply some red lipstick and stick my lip ring back in - I haven't been wearing it lately. I'm about to leave the bathroom when Sierra walks by. She glances at me and continues walking only to stop a few steps later and turn around.

"Andy," She says. "You're supposed to be undead. You look too alive."

"Uhm.... I'm sorry?" I say.

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