Chapter Twenty Three- New Years Day

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Guys this story is rated R so I'm probably not going to keep warning for Smut and Triggers. I know I know, but really if youre not mature enough then don't read it. So just expect it and if I don't post a warning then it's not my fault because I warned you.

Sierra's Point of View

I run the flat iron through my hair once more. Sighing, I set it down and and apply some red lipstick before stepping back to survey my reflection. I've actually straightened my hair for the first time in years, and it looks pretty good, all red and black. I'm wearing a short black dress with silver rhinestones stitched into the fabric, black tights, and black heels with spikes (a Christmas present from Ella). My eyes are done up in dramatic black eyeliner and my lips are a deep red. I smile, before popping out my tunnels and exchanging them for a different pair. I've been downsizing the past few weeks and I'm back to the cute little size of 0g. Then I put a black hoop in my lower lip labret and a black stud in my medusa. I switch the silver ring in my septum for a black pincher. Then I pull back and smile at my reflection.

"Angel, you ready?" Andy knocks on the door to our hotel room bathroom. We're back at the Hotel Mosh for the New Years Party, which will be starting any minute. I check my outfit once more before opening the door.

Andy looks absolutely dashing in black dress jeans and a black button-up with his scuffed boots. His hair falls into his face and he pushes it back to get a better look at me. In a flash he pulls me against him and backs me against the wall.

"" he says between the kisses he places on my collar bone.

"That sounds nice..." I murmur. "But!" I push him back and his lips disconnect with a sucking sound. "We are going to miss the countdown so let's go."

I open the door and walk out of our room and down the hall toward the elevator.

"Really!?" Andy groans in frustration. "You're so cruel to me!"

"If you don't get in this elevator this second I'll have to find someone else to welcome the new year with me." I sing. Its almost comical how quickly he dashes into the elevator before the doors shut. I smirk as he mock glares at me.

When we enter to the floor where the party is held the noise is deafening. I lace my fingers with Andy's and we head toward the screams and music.

"Sierra!!" Ella rushes toward me, wearing a sparkly silver dress and a hat that flashes different colors. She wraps a glow stick belt around my waist and slips a few around my neck. "How fucking sick is this?!"

I take in the dark room, streamers, balloons, and flashing lights decorating the walls and ceilings. Bodies glistening with sweat grind to the music. Long tables full of food sit against the far left wall, the bar is in full demand, and little balls of bright light float on the surface of the pool.

"THIS ROCKS!" Andy yells and I nod my agreement.

"Come on!" Ella drags me away to the dance floor where Lauren, Jeffree, Gina, a few other girls, and Taylor Freaking Momsen dance.

"Hey!" I wave at the girls and they pull me into the circle. "You're Taylor!"

Taylor Momsen smiles at me. "And you're Sierra. Nice to meet you."

The bass drops and we cheer, throwing our hands in the air. Taylor places her hands on my waist and we dance together. From the corner of my eye I see Andy, Ashley, Jinxx, and a few other men watching us.

Taylor follows my glance and looks back at me with a mischievous smile. She slowly slides down my front and then stands back up, pulling my body close to hers. Ella grinds against my back and before I know it all of us girls are a large sweaty mass of grinding bodies.

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