Chapter Twenty One- Who Can Save Me Now

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Sierra's Point of View

"THANK YOU MOTHERFUCKERS FOR A GREAT DAY!" Andy yells before running offstage.

I smile and cheer along with the rest of the fans from my spot underneath the YouTubers tent. I'm sitting on a quilt with Ella, Lauren, and Johnnie Guilbert. I pull my Aztec printed sweater over my hands and brush my red and black curls away from my face. The wind blows and I thank god that I chose to wear my black skinny jeans and converse.

"And she's going for it!" Johnnie exclaims, his camera pointed in mine and Ella's direction as she tilts her head back and places the water bottle on her nose. He's vloging right now and dared Ella to balance a water bottle on her nose.

"Hello ladies." Bryan Stars appears in front of us and passes out cups of hot chocolate, before sitting to my right.

"Oh," Johnnie mock snarles. "Look at this faggot." He turns the camera to Bryan.

"Who the fuck are you calling a faggot you little bitch?" Bryan taunts back, leaning toward the camera as Johnnie wilts away. "Huh? You little bitch. That's right. You are a little ass bitch with a vagina Johnnie."

I giggle as Johnnie screams against his bully.

A pair of hands appear over my eyes and I smile. "I know your hands Andy." He chuckles and leans over me, pressing his lips to mine.

"I bet you do." Ashley mutters pervertedly.

I slap his arm indignantly and he grins at us cheekily.


I jerk in the direction of my name and see Sophie running toward me with Alice.

"Soph!!" I'm on my feet and sprinting toward her before anyone can move. I pull her into a fierce hug even though I saw her three days ago at Christmas. She laughes into my crazy mop of curls and hugs me back. I give Alice a hug too before leading them back to our group. I settle myself between Andy's legs and lean back against his chest before making introductions.

"Guys, this is my sister Sophie and cousin Alice. Soph, Alice, this is Bryan, Johnnie, Ella, Lauren, Ashley, Jake, Jinxx, and of course you know Andy." They all smile and wave at my family members.

"Wait." Jake says, looking around. "Where's CC? I could've sworn he was right behind- Oh is that ham?!"

He quickly turns his attention to the sandwich Ella is unwrapping.

"He's probably off somewhere being the CC we all know and-"

Andy is interrupted as a half naked CC goes speeding past us on a child-sized bike. We stop and stare as he zooms through tents and cuts through lines and crowds, the occasional fan screaming his name. Giggling, he rides by us again in the opposite direction this time before trying to jump a random table. He goes flying over the handle bars and flies face first into a mound of grass.The loud crash and moan of pain have us rolling with laughter and wiping tears from our eyes. But then he doesn't move.

"Wait, wait guys he's not moving..." Lauren says, concern slowly making it's way onto her face. "Shit, do you think he's actually hurt??"

We try to compose ourselves enough to survey CCs unmoving maturely. His ankle twitches a minute later and but he still doesn't move.

"CC!" Lauren finally runs over and helps him up.

"FUCK YEAH!!" CC cheers.

"Ugh! You scared me half to death!" Lauren cries, slapping him on the chest. 

CC just laughs and lays spread egale on the ground.

"I think I'm gonna go to the bathroom." I say, standing and dusting off the bottom of my jeans. "I'll be right back."

Andy smiles up at me and I walk away, heading towards the porta potties. Gross I know, but it's gotta be done.

I step into the humid blue box and hurriedly do my business. Right as I'm walking out a hand latches onto my wrist and I yelp as I'm yanked behind a row of tents.

"Hey, what gives?!" I ask, semi annoyed.


My heart drops as I stare into cold brown eyes. No. It can't be.

"Miss me?"

Zack smirks at me and tightens his hold on my arms. I freeze. How did he find me? No. This can't be happening. NO. He locks my wrists in one of his hands and runs the other down my outer thigh. Oh god no. Please not again. I open my mouth to scream for help but no sound comes out. It's exactly like when I was the frightened little twelve year old girl. Only I'm not twelve now. I'm eighteen. Surely I should've been able to stop him by now. But I can't.

Fear courses through my veins and struggle weakly before Zack squeezes me roughly. I cry out weakly and then he pushes me to the ground and straddles me. Tears well in my eyes and breathing becomes a trifle as he yanks my shirt up and runs his hands over my stomach.

No. Please someone. Anyone.

Zack unzips my jeans and begins to slide them down my hips.

I pray for someone to be walking by. For anyone to stop what's about to happen to me. Again.

I choke on a sob as he forces his hand into my jeans.

But like always, no one does come.

Author's Note:

I know you must hate me for dropping it like this but what can I say? This scene was so hard for me to write because well, I'm gonna get a little personal, but I was raped when I was 7 and molested when I was 12. I had to stop a few times because I was crying so hard. But I made it and some days are still really hard and it angers me to no end when people joke or tease or lie about rape because it is a real thing and it does happen to people and you don't know who unless they tell you so PLEASE be careful with what you say and if this has happened to you then I am so sorry and please stay strong.

Love you.


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