Chapter One-Hide and Finding Andy

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Author's Note:

Hey my lovelies, this is my first actual fanfic, and this is my own story line (which came to me in a dream). I hope you all like and comment. (: I'm open to suggestions and ideas so if you have one please comment or message, I'd love to hear them. But if you're going to hate I won't even bother with answering or starting anything with you. So if you're gonna hate, just don't read this and move along. Hope you guys like it,

Love you lovelies

Chapter One

Sierra's Point of View

My black and red checkered converse pound the pavement as I run in between the parked cars.

"11, 12, 13, 14..." My best friend Katie counts to thirty as we play hide and seek, "...21, 22, 23, 24..."

"Shit," I mutter and hurry to find a place where she won't find me easily. Without thinking, I grab on a random car door handle and hoist myself into the passenger seat, shutting the door softly and sliding down between the seat and the dashboard. I snicker at my brilliant idea. No one will think of looking for me in-

"Um...what the hell are you doing in my car?" A deep, semi-familiar voice asks.

"Dammit," I whisper, squeezing my eyes shut in humiliation. I look over, a blush coloring my dark cheeks red, and notice a tall figure sitting in the driver's seat, a cigarette pinched between his lips. I immediately recognize those icy blue eyes, longish black hair, pale skin, and lean and lanky body. "Oh, um, hey Andy..."

"Do I know you?" asks the gorgeous lead singer of Black Veil Brides, a popular punk rock band.

"Uhh, nope."

"READY OR NOT HERE I COME!" Katie yells as she begins to search the parking lot.

"Look," I begin, "I'm really sorry to just let myself into your car, but my friend and I are playing a game and the stakes are really high, so if you could just let me lay low.....?"

A chuckle rumbles in his throat. "Sure I guess. And how do you know me?" I just give him a hard stare. "Oh, duh, rock star over here."

I laugh and nod. "Oh, by the way, I'm Sierra," I say.

"Nice to meet you," Andy says. "So...what are you and you're friend doing here?"

"Oh, I just turned eighteen a couple of days ago and it was long overdue for me to get out of my house, so I had my friend accompany me on a sort of road trip," I'm surprised at how easily I'm able to talk to one of my teenage idols. "We got here yesterday, stayed in a hotel, and she has to go back home tonight so we decided to have some fun before she left. The only problem now is that I need to find a job and a place to stay."

Andy nods and takes a drag on his cigarette. "Yeah, that's tough...I know I don't know you or anything, but I may know a few people who are looking for a roommate...if you're interested...?"

"Oh yeah, definitely!" I shout with excitement, before realizing I'm hiding and lower my voice.

Andy hands me his cell phone and I enter my number in. Just as I'm handing it back the passenger door opens and Katie sticks her blonde head in.

"FOUND YOU!" She shouts at me.

"Damn you!" I yell and climb out from between the seat.

"Come on, pay up!"

"Ughhhhh!" I groan and dig in my pocket before pulling out a pair of keys and placing them in her palm.

"Yes!" Katie cries and begins doing a victory dance - which involves swiveling her hips and churning her arms.

"Ahem," Andy clears his throat behind us. "So....uh..."

"Uhmm, Sierra, why did Andy fucking Biersack just climb out of the same care you were in?"

"Because I was hiding in his car. Duh." I replied.

"Um, hi Katie," Andy says.

She nervously waves to him. "Well, Sierra, I really hate to leave but I have to go home." Katie pulls me into a fierce hug, Andy smiles at me over her shoulder. "I love you Sierra."

"I love you too Katie. Call me when you get home, kay?"

"I promise." She lets me go and walks over to her car. "Bye!" She calls as she shuts the door. It's only when she drives away that I really begin to feel alone.

"So," Andy says. "Uhm, are you doing anything tonight?"

"Looking for a job and a place to sleep."

He nods. "What kind of job are you looking for?"

"I was a tattoo artist back home, so if you know any tattoo shops that are hiring...?"

"Um, yeah, I think so. Do you need a lift?"

"Nah, I'll follow you," I say, heading over to where I parked. I start the ignition and follow Andy's car out of the parking lot.


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