Chapter Twenty Six- Overtime Has Its Perks

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I dont know if i ever said what Becca and Allie looked like so if i did sorry, but this is them. (:

Sierra's Point of View


With a sigh I set my bag down by my station and go up to the front where Allie sits.

She pulls her golden blonde hair up into a bun atop her head and secures it with a clip.

"Yeah?" I ask, leaning up against the black counter.

"Can you handle a couple of walk ins?"

My spine immediately slumps.

"It's nothing heavy, basic mainstream bff tatts for three girls on their wrists."

I dramatically sigh before giving Allie a smile. "You do realize that I am in overtime for this right? My shift ended almost two damn hours ago and you've had me doing everything from inventory to assisting Mark with the other tatts." My eyes narrow and I playfully poke at her side. "What are you up to?"

Gasping she places her hand over her heart, feigning hurt. "Why do you think I'm up to something? Isaac called in sick and I've needed your help."

"Uh huh. Sure. I expect overtime payment."

"You love me you cheeky bitch!" She calls after me as I turn around. I flip her off before leading three giggling girls in matching pink, yellow, and blue cocktail dresses. They must've come from one of the nearby clubs.

"So." I say, kicking my bag under my desk and sitting in my chair. "What are you three ladies looking for?"

"I'm Stacey, we want matching tattoos." She twirls her blonde hair around her finger.

"Something like...a butterfly or an infinity symbol?" The brunette suggests.

"And on our wrists!" The spunky Asian girl adds.

They all smile and nod at me.

"Butterflies and infinity symbols?" I ask. Smiling they nod. God I hate to be judgemental but I've tattooed so many girls just like them that I find it a little boring now. They all want the same thing for the same reasons. Don't get me wrong, I love tattooing. But when so many people don't try to be original, they're just fine with stereotypical, it makes me feel bad because I think they're missing out.

I sketch up an infinity symbol but it breaks on one of the loops and turns into a fleet of butterflies. They cheer excitedly at the sight of it, but the moment I touch the needles down to their skin they are a wailing mess. Stacey and the brunette have mascara tracks and hoarse throats, but the Asian didn't bat an eyelash. In the end the pay and leave with smiles on their faces and purple and pink butterflies on their wrists.

"Well." I grab the can of Monster Allie has sitting in front of her and take a couple gulps. Her phone chirps and she quickly looks down at the screen in her lap.

"Alright. I think we're good." She says, taking the energy drink from my hand.

"What?" I ask.

"We're past the rush of the night. I think Mark and I can handle it."

"Uhhh... Okay." I quickly grab my bag and keys.

"Don't bother coming in tomorrow." Allie calls, typing on her phone. "You can have tomorrow off since you helped today."

I nod my thanks, blow her a kiss, and then rush out before she can change her mind. I slide into my car and start the engine. Before pulling out of the Under Lunatie parking lot I tap out a cigarette and light it, pursing it between my lips to back out and drive down the street.

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