Chapter Twenty Four- If You Can Wait Til I Get Home

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Hello my dears!!! Did you like my surprises?? No? Well bye...

Jkjkjkjk. So here's Chapter 24 and it's skipped a few months because it's boring waiting for Andy to get home (:

Sierra's Point of View

"Omfg, Sierra wake the fuck up this is big!"

"Unnnghhhh..." I groan, gripping my phone to the side of my face and blindly grope for the lamp switch. Light floods my side of the bed and I drop my head into my pillow.

"Are you up?" Ella's voice rings in my ear.


"Okay so....I was editing some pictures from while we were with the guys over break and I found these great ones of you and Andy and so I showed them to my friends who emailed them to another friend and basically I got a call saying that my agency is looking for new faces and they want you to audition to be a model!!!" She squeals and I wince.

"Okay, hang on...." I rub my forehead, as if it will help my spinning mind. "So you...exploited me and now I'm wanted as a model...?"


Me? A model? They want me to model? Like Ella does? I didn't know I was pretty enough for that....Maybe.... I don't know. I should at least try it...

"Okay. Okay. I'll do it."

She screams again and I hold the phone away from my ear for a second so she can calm down.

"Okay! You need to be at Holiday Boulevard on 26 and 7th tomorrow afternoon at 3:00. Wear shorts and a tank top with some high heels, minimal make up, and bring a swim suit, lingerie, and a bag. Got it?"

No.... "Yup."

She screams again.



"Thanks. Now please shut the fuck up."

I disconnect as she mutters bitch and set my phone back on the side table. The clock reads 4:37 am. I sigh before turning the light back off and snuggling down into Andy's blankets.

Ever since I got back from Warped I've made it a habit to sleep in Andy's bed. His scent is all over his pillows and sheets and it always makes me feel better when I'm missing him fiercely. Crow nuzzles himself under my arms and I stroke his fur. He misses Andy too. But he'll be home soon. He gets off Warped Tour at the end of March - which just so happens to be a couple weeks away. Which also means he'll be home in time for my birthday - it's April fourth. I can't wait to see him. I miss him like hell.

*Next Day*

I step out of the shower and wipe the steam off the mirror and survey my reflection. This audition has got me more paranoid than I thought I'd be.

My crazy curly hair is now all jet black, but the ends are a light aquamarine. And I got rid of my septum and labret piercing - now I just have a hoop in my right nostril and my medusa. Also, my ears are still at a 0g, but my left ear is pierced all the way up the lobe and cartilage. My right ear has four lobe piercings and an industrial, along with my rook, conch, and tragis.

I also have several new tattoos. I have (of course) my floral side piece that Andy loves. And then I have Chinese symbols going all the way down my spine. Plus, in bold gothic font, the lyrics to my favorite lines from every BVB song ever written on my right thigh. And on my left thigh is a piece I drew of skulls, roses, and flames. It's supposed to be a reminder that something beautiful can come out of pain. Also on my right wrist I have an inverted cross and on my left I have a very blue eye that I drew up from a picture of Andy. It also has blacklight ink which means it glows in the dark.

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