Chapter Two-Under Lunatie

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Andy's Point of View

Sierra pulls into the parking lot next to me and turns of the ignition. I get out of my car as she walks over to me. I can't help but stare at her while she stands next to me. He skin is a warm caramel color - she must be Native American or something - and her dark brown eyes have the lightest ring of amber around the edge of her irises. She's bleached and dyed her long curly hair a light lavender color, which brings out the tanned glow of her dark skin. She's wearing a pair of ripped black skinny jeans, and a lace black tank top with the word Eluvetie proclaimed in bold green cursive font.

"Andy?" Her voice shocks me out of my trance and I feel my cheeks heat slightly. "Are you okay?"

"Sorry, I was just thinking. Anyway, some of my favorite tattoos have been done here." I hold the door open and she walks under my arm with no effort. Good God she's short, probably around 5'3". We walk inside Under Lunatie and she surveys the tattoo parlor, taking in the cherry red walls, leather couches and chairs, and numerous framed photos of celebrities that got their tattoos here.

"Hey, Andy!" The owner, Allie calls and pulls me into a hug. "What brings you here today?"

"Oh, this is my friend Sierra, she was a tattoo artist back home and is looking for a job. Think you can hook her up?"

Allie walks over to Sierra. "Do you have experience?"

Sierra nods and hands over a large black binder, which Allie flips through. "These are all you're own?" Allie asks her.

"Yeah," Sierra says, "I was under apprenticeship for nearly a year before they hired me on my seventeenth birthday. And then I worked there for a year before moving out here a few days ago."   

"Well, these are really good," Allie says. I move to look over her shoulder and see some intricate and mesmerizing tattoos. Sierra blushes as we look at the Celtic runes, portraits, and nature work.

"Damn, you have serious talent." She blushes darker at my compliment.

"Thanks." Sierra toes the ground with the tip of her shoe. Damn, she's adorable.

"Well," Allie closes the binder and hands it back to Sierra. "I am definitely interested. You're hired. Can you start on Monday?"

"Really?? Yeah, totally!" Sierra exclaims.

"Great, be here by noon and we'll get you set up, 'kay?"

Sierra nods vigorously. And smiling, I guide her out of the shop. 

"Ohmygod!" Sierra throws her arms around me and squeals. "Thankyouthankyouthankyou so much!"      

"Sure thing. Hey, you should come hang tonight. It's Jake's birthday and we're all gonna go clubbing."

"Oh, it sounds like fun, but I'm underage, and I still have to find a place to stay."

"Don't worry about that, I think I know a place, that isn't too far from here."


I nod. "Yeah, come on, I can take you there now so you can get your stuff moved in?"

"Sure!" She opens her car door and places her binder on the seat next to her. "I'll follow."

I get into my car and pull out of the parking lot, with Sierra following close behind. 

Author's Note:

So where do you guys think Sierra is gonna be staying? I hope you liked it. (: <3 

Bye my lovelies

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