Chapter 44- Aftermath

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Andy's Point of View

Sierra's warm body is cacooned against mine. After finally crying herself out last night she managed to fall asleep. I however, have not.

I was the one that told everybody what had happened. Sammi held Sierra and cried with her for a little bit, while CC and Jinxx got rid of the It's a Boy ballons and teddy bears.

Ella wasn't able to make it since she's in the UK right now, but Jake called her and she cried for us too. I haven't told my parents or Sierra's. We'll tell them when they get here.

I stare at the wall and listen to Sierra's ragged breathing. Every now and then she'll hiccup, something she does whenever she cries.

I can't believe we've lost our son. Even after everything that's happened it doesn't feel real. I know the pregnancy was unplanned, but I honestly feel like Sierra and I were ready to be parents. We're mature enough, even though we have our moments. We both have good careers. And plenty of friends and family to help us through parenthood.

We could've done it.

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