Chapter Twenty Five- Wish You Were Here

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hayyyyyy so. Idk.....this book is going to be ending soon.













I plan on keeping this series going for a while. This book is only the beginning CCC:

Andy's Point of View


I spit my mouthful of toothpaste into the sink before looking up at CC. He runs onto the bus in his boxers and a pair of flip flops, a pink and green plaid scarf tied sloppily around his neck.

"Whamph?" I ask, sticking my toothbrush back in my mouth.

CC runs over to where I am slumped over the sink in our small bathroom. " Is it just me, or is Sierra getting a little frickle frackle with some dude on the cover of Kerrang?"

I choke on my toothpaste and spit it all over the mirror and sinktop. He doesn't mean ......she's cheating does he??? Sierra wouldn't do that......she wouldn't.

Heart racing, I snatch the magazine out of his hand and stare at the picture he's talking about. It is indeed Sierra, only she's changed her hair again. She's straddling a guy on a couch, his hands on her thigh and neck. Her face is toward the camera and her eyes are closed.

"What the fuck is this?" I growl. My hands clench and I accidentally crinkle the glossy magazine. "Who the fuck is he?"

Jake and Ella (who had just walked on the bus) pause in the kitchen.

"What's wrong?" Jake asks, setting a box of pizza on the table.

"Look at this!" I thrust the cover their way.

Jake stares, mouth gaping, but Ella squeals.

"Isn't it great!!? I knew she'd make the cover!!!!"

"Y-you.... you knew....?" I stare at Ella and my hands begin to tremble. She knew Sierra was cheating.... and she didn't tell me?

"Duhhhhh." She waves her hand at me before popping open the tab on an energy drink. "I told her to do it. God, Andy, who do you think set her up?"

She.... Ella set up Sierra. My girlfriend. With another man?! A jolt of pain flashes through my ribs and my heart squeezes. Sierra... she wouldn't. She'd never...There's no way....She loves me. She told me so. We're in love. She wouldn't do this to me....

"Why would you do this?" I ask Ella, my voice barely above a whisper.

"You can't keep her all to yourself Andy." She replies through a garbled mouth of pizza.

"I don't understand...." I tug my hand through my dark hair. "How....h-how could she do this?"

"How could she not?!" Ella tosses her plate of pizza on the table and stands to face me, planting her hands on her hips. "Damn Andy, why are you so pissy? You should be happy for her!"

"Happy?" I grit my teeth and the muscles in my neck tighten. "Why the fuck would I be happy about this? Why the fuck are you so happy about it?"

"How can I not?! This is the opportunity of a lifetime Andy and instead of helping your girlfriend further her career and supporting her like a good boyfriend would do, you're bitching around."

"What the fu-" And then something clicks. "Wait hold up...Career?"

"Yeahhh. Most boyfriends would love to have a hot model as a girlfriend. Why are you so upset?"

"Model?" Dumbfounded, I glance at the magazine crumpled in my fist and actually read the cover this time.

'Up and coming model Sierra Pann - girlfriend of Andy Biersack (Singer of Black Veil Brides) - debuts in her first cover. Interview on page 17.

"Are you telling me you didn't know?"

I nod. "She didn't tell me."

"Andy... I'm sorry, I thought she would've told you. She did the photoshoot for this almost two weeks ago."

I inhale deeply and lean against the wall. "I haven't talked to her in about a week actually. So it's not exactly like she had the opportunity."

"Well, we'll be home by midnight tonight so you should talk to her." Ella suggests.

Nodding, I finish brushing my teeth and then go to my bunk. It's the one on top of Jinxx so I have to climb over where he's sleeping to get to it.

I flip the pages of Kerrang until I get to Sierra's interview. There are a couple pictures of Sierra with her hair in a braid, in a crop top and highwaisted shorts, a pair of heels propped up on a pillow. I read the interview, occasionally glancing back at her pictures.

She talks about her first photoshoot and getting signed with Metal Models and how excited she is. Sierra explains how she plans on balancing tattooing and modeling. And then they bring up my name.

Interviewer:'re the girl that everyone is saying Andy's been so taken with?

Sierra: *she blushed and smiled before answering* I'd love to think so. And I'm just as 'taken' with Andy.

Interviewer: That's sweet. So you two have been together long?

Sierra: Close to six months.

Interviewer: And I know you both are balancing full time careers, and Andy travels for most of it. How do you both keep a relationship going?

Sierra: Well, Yes it is hard being away from him. This was his first tour that we we're together for and I missed him like a bitch. The girls told me the first tour is always the worst - I hope so because it's been hell without him. But we talk on the phone at least once a day and Skype often and try to be together as much as we can. It'll be wonderful when he's home and we can be together though.

Interviewer: It's sounds as though you really love each other.

Sierra: I know that I do.

After that they talked a little more about traveling and then the interview ended.

Sighing, I reread her words. 'I know I do.'

A part of me thinks that if she did she would've told me. But it's really not a big deal. I just would've liked a heads up.

I lean back in my bunk and smile to myself. I texted Sierra this morning saying we'd be home in a couple of days - but really I just wanted to surprise her. I told Allie to make sure she keeps Sierra busy at work until I text her, telling her I'm home.

I shut my eyes, anticipating the feel of Sierra in my arms.

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