Chapter 43- Lost It All

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Author's Note:
Wow guys I'm so sorry its taken me so long to upload this chappie. A lot of school and family drama has taken all of my focus and I just didn't have the time or motivation to write. But I'm back and ready to write this chapter. You'll probably hate me afterwards but know it gets better. Ily.

Sierra's Point of View

I jerk awake with a start and gasp, feeling my shorts wet against my legs.

"Andy!" I reach over and slap my sleeping boyfriend. "Andy this is it!!"

"Not now baby....five more minutes." He munbles.

I feel kinda bad about having to wake him at 2 am since he just got back from the Blackmass Tour earlier this evening. But then a contraction has me crying in pain and all my sympathy flies out the window.

"ANDY I'M IN LABOR!!" I scream.

He jerks up, blue eyes wide. "Are you sure?"

"I am so fucking sure."

He jumps out of bed and shoves his feet into his boots, grabbing my hospital bag at the foot of the bed. Lux runs out of the room to find Crow, not liking all the excitement in here. Andy comes around and helps me up and I pull on my robe before we rush downstairs and out to the car.

Technically speeding the whole way there Andy doesn't even park. He just pulls into the parking lot and I waddle inside. 

"My name is Sierra Pann, I'm in labor."

Everything that happens next is a quick blur and I find myself laying in a bed, finally relaxing after having just been given my epidural. Andy walks back into the room and slips his cell phone in his pocket.

"The gang is on their way and our parents are booking flights here right now."

"Fabulous." I gasp, a contraction stealing my breath.

Andy takes my hand and kisses my knuckle. "Don't worry. It'll all be over soon."

"Next time you're the one that's pregnant." I reply.

A nurse comes in to check my dilation and suddenly I'm being wheeled into delivery. I clutch at Andy's hand while being told to push and tears seep out from the corners of my eyes.

"Almost there!" The doctor shouts. "One more!"

I push with all my might and they gasp. Collapsing back against the bed I catch my breath and look up at Andy, who smiles down at me. But then I notice something.

Our baby isn't crying.

I turn my attention to the nursed that hold my son. He lays on his back as they squeeze things into his lungs and listen for his heartbeat.

This continues for about 5 minutes before the doctor turns apologetic eyes on me and Andy.

"I'm so sorry..."

My heart seizes at those words and a flood of tears run down my face.

"Can I-" Andy starts but his voice cracks. "Can I hold him?"

The doctors clean off our baby before handing him to Andy.

I watch Andy hug him close to his body as his shoulders shake with sobs. I cry harder, seeing that even now, Andy would have made the best father.

Andy turns to me, eyes red, and hands me our son. Our baby. Our little Bandit Kailer Biersack.

My whole body trembles as I stroke the dark brown wisps of hair on Bandit's head. His skin is pale and blotchy. I count his fingers and toes. Kiss his little nose. He is perfect. I wish with my entire being that he will come back to us. But he doesn't.

Andy wraps his arms around me and holds me as I hold our son.

"There's no way..." I whisper. "He can't be doesn't make any sense..."

"I know Angel...I know..."

Tears run warmly down my cheeks and plop onto my baby's motionless face.


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