Chapter Thirty Three- Okay Baby?

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*Skip To August*

Andy's Point of View

"Angel, you want some soup?" I call, fixing myself a bowl of chicken noodle. I lean my head out of the kitchen to see her laying down on the couch.

Sierra's been a little sick lately, and because she can't take off anymore work for a while she's spending her day off in sweatpants, and a Nirvana sweater, her curly black hair pulled into a braid, her glasses in her hand.

"Angel?" I ask, taking my food to the living room and sitting beside her. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Ugghnnn." Sierra moans. She sits up and pushes her glasses up her nose. "I'll be fine Andy."

"Here, you should eat something." I say, holding out a spoonful of soup toward her.

She leans to it and opens her mouth but then her face morphs into disgust. She smacks the spoon away from her and spills it all down me.

"Goddamn, it you didn't want any you should've fucking said so!" I say irritably, wiping at my boxers with my nakin - yes I am wearing only my boxers and a t-shirt. It's my official lazy day attire.

"Sorry I just-" Sierra slaps her hand over her mouth and goes running down the hall. Then I hear her throwing up. I set down my food and walk into the bathroom to see Sierra leaning over the toilet, vomiting.

My irritation immediately turns to concern and I rush over to pull her hair away from her face and pat her back.

"You need to see a doctor." I say.

She sits back and flushes, wiping her mouth with a piece of tissue.

"No, I'll be fine. Becca just had the flu at work and she passed it to me. I should be better in a few days." Sierra argues.

"I'd feel better if we knew that's what it was." I say, filling a small cup next to the sink with water and handing it to her.

"If I'm not feeling better by Friday you can take me to the doctor." She says.

I sigh. " Fine."

"I think your phone is ringing." Sierra says.

In fact it is. I leave her to clean herself up and go back to the living room to find my phone.

"Hey mom." I answer.

"Andrew, how are you?"

"I'm good. We've finished laying out the ground plan for our new album and should be going to the studio within the next month or so."

"That's good honey. It seems like we haven't seen you in forever. And we've been seeing and hearing a lot about Sierra. Your father and I would like to meet her."

"She's great. You'll love her." I say.

"So what are your plans for the week?"

"Nothing really. Sierra's working and we'll probably be doing a few interviews soon."

"So would it be okay if your father and I came down to stay for a little bit?"

"Uhhh, you know I won't mind, but I need to ask Sierra."

"Ask me what?" Sierra says from behind me. I turn to see her with a new sweatshirt on.

"How would you feel about my parents visiting?"

"I'd love to meet your parents." She says.

"Okay, great. Mom? It's all good. Call us when you have everything figured out."

"I will. Love you sweetie."

"Love ya mom."

We disconnect and I see Sierra smiling at me.

"What?" I ask.

"You're so cute when you talk to your mom." She gushes. "I can imagine what you were like as a little boy."

I roll my eyes and feel myself actually blush a little. "Whatever. Anyways they'll probably be here sometime this week."

"Okay." She lays back down on the couch, pushing the bowl of soup away from her.

*Two Days Later*

Sierra nudges my shoulder and I crack my eyes open to see her turning on a lamp.

"What is it?" I grumble.

"I think someones knocking on the door..."

I glance at the clock. "At 4:36 in the morning?"

"Shh." She puts her finger to her lips and then we both hear a distant banging. "Well? Go see who it is."

"What if it's a burglar? Or a serial killer?"

"Then scare him off."

"With what?" I ask. "My unusually long legs? Or my ruggad good looks?"

"You seem to forget the fact that you are an intimidatingly tall tattooed rock star." Sierra argues.

"What are you doing?" I ask as she pushes back the covers.

"If you won't handle it then I will." She says, walking out of the room in her see through nightgown.

"Wait!" I yell. "Haven't you learned anything?? This is how they always die in the horror movies!" 

But she ignores me. I sigh and run after her in my boxers, picking up a baseball bat on my way downstairs. We creep though the dark house to the door were someone knocks again.

I reach out and pull the door open, bat raised, Sierra standing behind me.

"CC?" Sierra asks.

My rumpled band mate stands on our doorstep.

"What are you doing here?" I ask, lowering the bat.

"Sorry to wake you." CC says. "Lauren and I broke up and I had to get out of the apartment while she packs everything up."

"Come in." Sierra says. We shut the door behind him. "You can stay in the game room. The couch pulls out into a bed."

"Okay." His eyes roam over our bed clothes. I clear my throat when he looks at Sierra. He averts his eyes and I step in front of her while he makes his way upstairs to the game room.

"Well?" Sierra says. "We didn't die."

"Just wait until we have to wake him up." I say.


Hello, I am so sorry this chapter took so long. I just got out of the hospital for a failed suicide attempt and am finally doing we'll enough to finish writing. Thanks. Be patient with me and 34 will be out soon.

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