Chapter 41- I Dont Write Tradgies

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Haaaaiiii omfg so It's been a while and I just wanted to say you guys are the absolute best. 7+k?!?!!!  OMFG If I could send you all pizza and hugs I would, without you I wouldn't have even made it this far in the book. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ so enjoy chapter 41!

Sierra's Point of View

I gasp as tears stream down my face, hugging my arms around my stomach. I can't believe what just happened. Andy and I have never gotten into a fight like that. Sure we argued about stupid things but it never lasted more than a few insults before one of us apologized and we made up. But after what I just saw in there...the image of Juliet pressed against Andy brings a new wave of sobs over me. How -how could he?? In our house?
When I'm pregnant?

What does this mean for us?

I hug my arms around myself and lay back on the bed. I feel the baby kick in my stomach and a watery giggle escapes my lips. Even now, as upset as I am. I still love him. I'm still carrying his baby and I wouldn't want it any other way.

My cell phone rings and I pick it.


"Sierra?" Sammi's concerned voice says. "Are you okay? You never came back out and I heard shouting and I saw Juliet run out of your house."

"I don't know what to!" I wail. Lux crawls out from under my bed and hops up onto my lap. I stroke her silky gray fur and clutch the phone to my ear. "I walked in on him and Juliet!"

"WHAT?!" Sammi screeches. "Are you fucking serious?!"

"Yes! She was pressed against him on a wall."

"Holy shit that little whore! Are you sure that's what happened? She was always really manipulative of Andy, maybe it was all her?"

I can hear the hope in Sammi's voice and wish I could latch onto it. "But why would he even let her in the house?"

"I don't know..." Sammi sighs. "Okay, you calm down and the go talk to Andy and let him explain. I am going to fucking hunt Juliet down."

Andy's Point of View

Sierra's been in the room all night. I run my hands through my hair and sit back on the couch. A glance at the clock proves it to be 3:21 am. I sigh and listen to the awkward silence of the house. I can feel the tension around us, filling the rooms like a thick fog. Crow sits outside of the bedroom where Sierra is, mewing for entrance.

Even my own cat doesn't want to be anywhere near me. Taking a drink from the whiskey in my hand I close my eyes.

A few minutes later I hear the bedroom door click open and I sit up straight. I watch Sierra holding onto the railing as she makes her way downstairs.

I take in her red and swollen eyes, matted curly hair, blotchy skin, swollen belly. Even in this distressed state she is still the most beautiful woman I have ever seen.

"Sierra," I stand and walk towards her.

"Stop." She says. "Now that I've calmed down some, I realized that I need to let you explain."

"Juliet called and said she needed to bring me some things I'd left when I moved out. So she came over and asked to come in. I never should have let her.." I rush over my words, trying to make her understand. "And then Juliet started insulting you and us and so I was trying to get her out. But she pressed me against the wall and that's exactly when you walked in. I swear nothing happened!"

Sierra stares at me hardly with her brown eyes, her lips set in a thin line.

"Please." I whisper, and actually fall to my knees, looking up at her. "You have to believe me."

She continues to look at me before glancing down at her stomach. She sighs. "Just get up so I can kiss you."

A huge smile spreads across my face and I jump to my feet and run to Sierra, pulling into my arms. She smiles and hugs me tightly.

"I love you, I love you, I love you so so much." I murmur, running my fingers through her hair.

With a smile on my face I lean down and kiss her passionately, slipping my tongue into her mouth. She kisses me back just as hard before I pull away.

"You believe me just like that?" I ask.

"Please, Sammi hunted down Juliet and made her talk."

I laugh and kiss her again. "That's my girl."

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