Chapter Twelve- The Healing Process

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OMG guys, I'm up to nearly 200 reads!! Yahhhh!! Well the story should pick up from here.
bye lovelies ♥

Andy's Point of View

Today is Sierra's day off and it's been a few days since she agreed to be my girlfriend. Since she's been working full time and I've been getting everything ready for Warped Tour, we haven't had much time together, so we plan on spending the day together.

I plop down onto the couch in the living room and turn on the tv. The news station is giving the weather forecast just as Sierra walks downstairs.

Her lavender hair is pulled up into a bun on top of her head and she's wearing a pair of plain black leggings and an oversized Soundgarden t-shirt. Since it's early and her day off she doesn't have her contacts in, but rather wears a pair of glasses, which she pushes farther up her nose as she sits on the cushion next to me. I place my arm over her shoulder and she leans into me.

"Wanna watch a movie?" I ask. She shrugs her shoulders. "Sierra, what's wrong?" She shrugs and I rub her shoulder. "Cmon. I know you better than that. Are you feeling okay?"

She clears her throat before rasping "No."

I place my palm against her cheek and find her normally cool skin is burning up. "Here," I have her lie down and I tuck a blanket around her. Then walk into the kitchen, fill a glass with water, and grab a few pain killers, before presenting her with them. She takes them with no fight and lays back down, squeezing her eyes shut.

With nothing else to do, I pop in a random Batman movie and sit down with Sierra. She moves so her head is on my lap. I start the movie and gently take her hair out of it's bun and softly run my fingers through her purple curls. I can see her dark roots,  but what the fuck would it bother me for whenever she needs to redye her hair. God, I sound like a fucking chick.

"I hurt." Sierra mumbles.

"I know Angel, I'm sorry." I say, playing with her hair.

"Why did you call me Angel?"

I honestly don't know why I called her that. I just seemed fitting. She's sings like an angel, and laying here in my lap, with her purple hair sprawled around her tanned face, she does look angelic. "Because you are one." Is all I say.

"Yeah right," She whispers.

"You are. Your voice is heavenly. You look the way I imagine an angel would. And you're just as kind, compassionate, and protective as they are. You're my angel."

A light blush colors her cheeks pink and I smile before placing a kiss on her temple. Her piercings are healing fine, they're just swollen. But I'm sure she won't have any problems with them - and she looks even sexier with them. I have to calm myself number one: because that would be semi awkward having to explain the reason why I suddenly got a hard on. And two, her head is hovering right over my boys so thats even more incentive to chill.

We relax and watch the movie together, Sierra occasionally dozing off, only to wake a few minutes later. It's adorable. She snores lightly, with the edge of her mouth slightly hanging open.

At around three in the afternoon, Sierra fully wakes up and seems to be feeling a little bit better. She sits up and off my lap, taking her body heat with her. She sits there for a moment before turning to face me. I don't know what she wants, so I just keep watching the movie. And then in my peripheral vision, I see her lean forward and feel her press her lips to my cheek. Immediately I turn to face her and aim for a kiss on the lips but she pulls away, gives me a coquettish smile and walks into the kitchen.

"Tease." I mutter, and lean back, angling my head to watch her pour herself a glass of orange juice and take a few sips before coming back and joining me on the couch. I pull her body close against mine and settle back in to watch the movie.

Our tv marathon ends late into the evening.

"Are you sure you're not hungry?" I ask Sierra for the millionth time that day.

She rolls her eyes at me. "Yes, Andy, I am sure." She then stands up and stretches, arching here back - and I let my eyes roam her body. All her curves and dips and edges.

Suddenly she snaps her fingers in front of my face and I blink out of my trance in time to see her walk out to the backyard. I sigh, get up and follow her. I'm surprised to see the moon out already. Well it is November so....The moonlight reflects on Sierra's dark skin, and she absentmindedly twirls her hair on one hand, while smoking her cigarette with the other.

I tap out a cigarette and light it before joining her at the edge if the pool. Her legs dangle in the water and I roll my pajama pants up before sticking my feet in.

"Shit!" I gasp. "That's fucking cold."

She smiles at me. "Is it?......I can't tell...."

I just stare at her, unsure whether she's joking or being for real. I decide to move on and stick my legs in like a man. After a couple minutes you don't even notice the cold.

"When do you leave?" Sierra asks.

" week."

She looks at me and smiles sadly. "I'm really gonna miss you..."

I switch my cig to my right hand and pull her close with my left. She puts her fag out if the concrete edge of the pool and lays her head on my shoulder.

"I'll miss you too." I murmur. "Already, I miss the thought of you."

I can sense her smile. I'm not sure how long we sit there. But after a while, when my cigarette is long gone, I decide we should probably go inside. Sierra has to work and even though they don't open until after noon, Sierra hardly gets any sleep because of all her late shifts and also trying to spend time with me and the guys and the girls too, so I know she needs her rest. Especially if she isn't feeling very good.

As if she can read my mind Sierra sits up and nestles her head against my neck. I wrap my arms around her and just hold her. It sucks that we haven't had any time together and then I'll be leaving and won't be back until June. I'd bring her with me, but it is still early in our relationship and Sierra wants to take things slow, plus I know she's enjoying the rythme of everything here. So I just soak in the moment. Sierra pulls back and looks at me, entrapping me with her dark gaze. In sync, we both lean forward and being mindful of her piercings, allow a gentle kiss to pass between us. Her fingertips brush against my neck and a groan escapes my lips. Animal instinct takes over and I hold her closer to me, deepening the kiss.

"Ow!" Sierra yelps and pulls away. I see her holding her lower lip piercing and immediately feel bad.

"Sorry," I say. "I forgot they were still healing."

She smiles at me. "It's okay, so did I." She leans in a presses her lips so mine once before standing up and heading inside.

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