Chapter Thirty- Andy's Angel

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Author's Note:

OMFG GUISE, I DIDN'T EVEN KNOW THAT I HIT 3K!!!!!! You guys are seriously the best and if you're still reading this story then Thank you for giving me a chance and I hope your enjoying it. (:

Sierra's Point of View

"You ready?" Andy asks as we climb out of my blue firebird and shut the doors.


We join hands and walk inside the building where we're supposed to meet up with the photographers and set director.

"Hey Andy, how are you?" A tall man with shoulder length auburn hair greets us as we walk in.

"Hey Dom." Andy shakes his hand with a smile.

"So this must be Sierra." Dom turns toward me. "She's even prettier than everyone describes."

I blush and lean closer to Andy.

"So let's gather everyone up and we'll head to set and then when we finish we'll do the interview. Everyone load up!" Dom claps his hands and all the people milling around pack up cameras and kits and all different equipment.

"Follow me."

Dom leads me and Andy to a car with a few other people. We slide in the backseat and the driver takes off to wherever we're going.

"Where is the shoot gonna be?" I ask.

"It's not too far from here hun," The blonde woman with a pixie cut in the passenger seat says. "I'm Rachel by the way."

We chat a little before arriving at a park with a wooded area to the right and a pond and playground to the left.

"You two can head over to the hair and make up tent while they set everything up." Bettie - the driver - says.

"Okay," I say, and allow Andy to help me out of the car. Swinging our hands back and forth we head over to a small blue tent. There are a few tables and chairs set up in the small space, along with a changing screen. Rachel and Bettie walk in, along with another man named Alex, and set suitcases and luggage bags on the tables.

Andy sits in one of the chairs and pulls me onto his lap.

"Angel." He says, holding his phone camera up in front of our faces. I lean close against Andy and press my lips to the corner of his mouth and I feel his lips pull into a smile as the camera clicks.

Smiling, I brush my fingers through his hair (it's gotten longer again and rests on his shoulders), and watch as Andy uploads the picture to his Instagram and Twitter.

When my phone beeps from the notification I open it up and smile at the description:

Phootshoot with my beautiful love @angel_inkmodel. So happy to finally be home with her ♥.

Awwww, I think. My boyfriend is seriously the sweetest. Using the repost app I upload it to my account with the caption:

With my perfect other half @andyBVB. Having him home with me is the best thing in the world ♥.

Immediately after I post it I get tons of likes and comments.

Ever since the boys posted the pics of their tattoos I gave them I gained tons of followers and tons more when Andy and I announced our relationship. It's taken awhile to get used to everyone seeming to know my business but now it's normal for me. I scroll through the first few comments on my picture of me and Andy. As expected there are lots of "omg!!" "too cute!" "love you guys!" "Please get married and have babies" I reply to some of them saying things like "awww" and "Thank you guys" .

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