Chapter Eight- Best Friends Or More?

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Omg, im nearly to 100 reads!!!

Yayyyy! im so glad you guys like it. i hope you liked the last chapter and i will definately be updating more often.

Bye lovelies

Sierra's Point of View

Ever since Andy and I had that talk we seem to talk and hang out more. I tell him everything and vice versa, so we always know whats happening with the other. He quickly becomes my best friend and the person i talk to when i feel the urge to self harm. He encourages me to talk to him about it. Even if he isnt here, he says i should call him if i feel the need. He also confiscated all my blades.

Im now clean nearly two months. I cant help but appreciate how much Andy has taken care of me since i met him that day in August.

"Hey Sierra? What do you think of this one?"

I turn at Andys voice and inspect the costume in his hands. Tomorrow is Halloween and Andy and i are picking out our costumes at the Halloween Town in the shopping center next to our house.

"I dont know an undead king really your thing?"

"Fuck yea!!"

"Here I got it. Why dont you be Andy Six, but remember how you 'buried' him in Coffin? Well be a risen from the grave Andy Six!"

He stares at me for a second before his glorious smile breaks across his face. "Holy fuck, where do you come up with this shit!?!" I blush. "Alright, my costume is figured out, what about you?"

"Oh, i already have my costume," i say.

"Then what the fuck are we doing here?" He tosses the zombie costume on the floor and we walk out laughing.

We climb into my black '79 firebird and drive out of the parking lot.

"Food?" I ask.

"Shit yeah."

I smile as we pull onto the highway and i set my course for the McDonalds near our house. As we pulled into the drive through, Andy and i gave each other knowing smiles and i shushed him as i pulled up to the speaker.

"Hullo der," i said, trying to force a nasally asain accent. "I woold like ta get a nomber foor  with a laurge sprit." Andy slaps a hand over his mouth as i talk, trying to stifle a laugh.

We play this game every time we go out to get food and if the other person laughs once they have to do the dishes when we get home - niether of us like doing the dishes so this is the only way it gets done. And if niether of us laugh by the time we pay, we ask the employees who did the best accent and the loser does the dishes. Its pretty fun and ive won the last three times in a row, so Andy will definately be on his game.

"Will that be all?" the women asks through the speaker.

"Noo," i say as Andy leans forward so he can be heard. i brace myself as he opens his mouth, but nothing could have prepared me for what came out.

"Yo, brah, so heres wassup." He says in a totally black ghetto voice. I bite my lip. "Iz lookin foe somethin so fuckin delicious that my minds be blown." He pauses and looks over at me, trying to hold in my laughter. "Scuse me brah, but this menu aint got no pussy on it."

And that was that. I snorted once and completely lost it. I grabbed my stomach as tears pooled in the corners of my eyes, literally rolling with laughter.

"YES! FUCKING YES!" Andy shouts, pumping a fist out the window. "Ill take a number six, large, with a coke."

And then i try to pull myself together enough so we can pay and get our food. As we pull into the drive way, i glance over at Andy and see he has this cute, smug little smirk on his face.

"Dick." I say.

"No, but i have one." and with that he unbuckles and climbs out carrying the food and drinks. I giggle and follow him, unlocking the front door and walking inside.

We set everything down on the table before opening the food to see whose is whose. We sit down and begin eating. Every once in a while we'll catch each others eye and smile before eating again.

Once i finish my salad (im a vegetarian 4 years strong) i sulk over to the counter and turn on the faucet. I begin to clean the dishes, wanting to be done with this quickly. After a moment a pair of hands grab a bowl next to me and begins to wash it. I turn to see Andy standing next to me. He loads what ive already scrubbed into the dishwasher. i smile at him and flick a few soap  bubbles his way. He grins evilly and wipes a pile of bubbles across my face. I gasp before relailateing. I grab a wet rag and whip him in the side with it. He squeezes the soap bottle over my head, pouring a glob in my newly bleached hair. Soon we are in an all out water war, forgetting about our previous task (the dishes) as i take the water hose next to the sink and spray him directly in the face. He dumps a cup of water over my head. I hit him with the rag. But the moment Andy picks up the mop, i hold my palms out.

"N-now Andy. Lets think about this rationally. Put the mop down."

He not only ignores me, but sticks the head in the water, before turning off the faucet, rendering me helpless except for the rag.

I slowly back away from him and the second he adavances forward i turn and run to the back door, slamming it open and padding barefoot onto the deck. Andy is right on my heels and for lack of better reason i jump into the pool. Fully clothed. To escape a madman lead singer of a rock band wielding a mop.

My life though.

Im surprised however when Andy jumps in after me. I splash him in the face and he splashes me back. We laugh and shove water in each others faces. I climb onto his back and attempt to push him under, but hes a lot bigger and stronger than i am so hes able to flip me off. I swim away from him, towards the more shallow end and turn to find him following me. i splash him again and again, but he still gets closer.

Andys Point Of View

Sierra swims away from me, her long purple hair floating on the water behind her. She turns and smiles at me and i have to catch my breath. There are drops of water stuck to her long, dark eyelashes, her red lips are semi swollen from playing in the salt water, and her white, Nirvana tshirt clings to her body in all the right ways. She looks abosolutely beautiful and i realize in this moment just how much i want her and have wanted her from the moment she stepped into my car.

I follow close behind Sierra, and back her up to the edge of the pool. She looks up at me with her huge brown eyes and i slowly press myself to her. I lean my head down, closer to her face, and place one of my hands on her cheek. I see her eyes flutter closed as i get close enough to feel her breath on my cheeks. I gently tilt my head into hers and feel our lips just brush against each other before she pulls away. I stand there and watch her climb out of the pool and walk quickly into the house. what just happened?

I stand there, rejected, before climbing out. Water rolls off my black jeans and i pull off my shirt and wring it out before walking inside. Sierra is wiping the water off the floor and her shirt has risen just enough to show the tanned skin of her lower back. I swallow hard and walk over to help her. She avoids my eyes and we clean in silence. When we finish Sierra heads upstairs, leaving me alone in the kitchen. I hear the shower running as i walk into my room and so i take off my clothes and sit on my bed in only my boxers.

i like Sierra ....

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