Chapter Thirty One- L.A. Ink

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Andy's Point of View

"One final fightttt, for this tonightttt.....whoaaaa, whooaaa, whoooaa..."

I smile at Sierra's melodic voice singing one of my songs. Her voice echoes through the shower and bathroom.

I pull on a pair of skinny jeans and pad downstairs barefoot and shirtless.

Lux pounces me from the couch and I lean down and pick up her tiny body, carrying her into the kitchen with me.

Clicking on the radio I bob my head to the beat of the Bastille song pouring out of the speakers. I open the fridge and grab a carton of orange juice as my phone beeps in my pocket.

I pull it out and open my text message.

KatVonD: Hey man! What time will you guys be here?

I set Lux on the counter to text back. AndyB: We're getting ready right now, should probably be there around 2pm

KatVonD: Can't wait!

Smiling, I stick my phone back in my pocket and pour myself a glass of orange juice.

"What are you so smiley about?" Sierra walks into the kitchen wearing a pair of white shorts and a flowy black top. Her jet black curls have been tied back with a floral bandana.

"Huh?" I set down my glass to back her up against the counter, my arms on either side of her body.

She gazes up at me with her gorgeous brown eyes. "You look really happy right now."

"Well, I am pressed up against the super hot body of my girlfriend."

She snorts and then blushes red, slapping her hand over her mouth. I on the other hand chuckle.

"That was really cute."

"Pft, no." She ducks under my arm, still blushing, and takes a sip of my glass of orange juice.

"So," I say. "Wanna get a new tattoo with me?"

"Psfaugh!" She cokes and almost spits out the juice. I pat her back as she leans over the sink, rinsing her mouth with water. "What? You mean like just a tattoo or like-"

"Matching tattoos."

"Are you sure Andy? You wanna get a matching tattoo with me?"

"Well yeah." I nervously ruffle my hand through my hair and shift my weight to the other leg. "I mean, unless you don't wanna. Because we don't, it was just a cool idea I had-"

"No, Andy."

My heart drops.

"I'd love to get matching tattoos with you."


"Hell yeah!"

I smile. "Okay, great. Uhm, it's one right now, so...let's leave in about ten minutes?"

"Sounds good." Sierra walks towards me and wraps her arms around my waist, planting a little kiss in the center of my bare chest. "I love you."

And then she skips out of my arms and goes dashing up the stairs. I chase after her, grinning.

"Where do you think you're going?"

She giggles and runs into my bedroom, snatching a pillow off the bed. I guard my face as she smacks me with the pillow and reach out, grabbing her waist and tossing her back onto the bed.

Sierra giggles when I pounce her, tickling her sides. She tries weakly to fend me off with her pillow, laughing and squirming beneath me.

"Ahahahaha I am the tickle kinggggg!!" I laugh evilly.

"N-n-No! Nooo! Andy, A-andy!!" Sierra gasps and I lean back on my knees, breathing heavily. With a smile I stretch out beside her, pulling her close to me and kissing her temple.

She sighs and nuzzles her head underneath my chin. "I think we have to go...."


We linger a little longer before getting up. I pull on a white, Pantera tshirt and stick my feet into my boots. Grabbing my jacket and car keys, Sierra follows me out to the car.

"What is today?" I ask, backing out of our driveway.

"Uhmm... April 23, Saturday."


"So, what kind of tattoo did you have in mind?"

"I'm not quite sure..." I say. Of course I've thought about it, but I don't want Sierra to get something she doesn't love. "What's something that we could both do and like?"

"Uh...well... I know you have a lot but maybe a skull of some sort?"

"Hmm. Yeah and we could write something underneath it?"


I reach over and lace my fingers with Sierra's.

Sierra's Point of View

"You ready?" Kat Von D - THE KAT VON D - asks me.

I nod and she touches the needle down. I wince. Maybe we should've gotten our matching tattoo somewhere other than our fingers but too late now.

I'm sitting in the chair at Kat's station, with Andy and Pixie sitting near me, the camera in our faces. I still can't believe Andy set up for us to be tattooed by Kat on LA Ink.

"So," Kat says, tracing the outline of the skull on my left middle finger. "How long have you two been together?"

"A little over six months." I say.

"Only six months?!" Pixie asks. "Damn. If something goes wrong you may not be too thrilled about these."

"I know things won't be perfect, but I know that I love Sierra, and I honestly can't see myself with another woman other than her." Andy winks at me. "She's my Angel."

I blush and smile up at him. "I love you too my Dark Knight."

"Aaaaaawwwww." Kat says. "You guys are making me sick."

We all laugh and she finishes the skull and writes death in fancy font above it.

"Alright! Andy's turn."

I stand up and switch places with Andy. The tattoo looks great. She put amazing detail into it. Andy takes a seat and Kat readies her needles and ink.

Andy doesn't even flinch when she starts the tattoo.

"So you're a tattoo artist?" Pixie asks me.

"Yeah. I work at Under Lunatie."

"She's also a model." Andy adds.
"Wow!" Pixie turns towards me. "That's so cool!"
I smile at her. "Yeah, Andy and I just did a photoshoot together a few days ago."
"It'll be in Rock News' new issue next week." Andy says. Kat wipes his finger and sits back.
"Okay lovebirds." She puts away her needles and takes off her gloves. "All done."
Andy stands and walks over to me. We entwine our left hands so our tattoos match up. His skull looks almost exactly like mine, but with the word till scrawled above it. Together they say Till Death.
"Let's get a quick picture and then you guys can hit the road."
We hold our hands out and Kat snaps the pic.
"So what are you guys going to do for the rest of the day."
"Not sure yet." Andy says.
I don't exactly want to just hang at home with Andy for the rest of the day. Seems like all we do is lay in bed - not that there's anything wrong with that but let's go do something.
"ANDY!" I gasp. Everyone pauses and turns to me. "Let's go on an adventure!"
"What, like, what?" He sputters.
"I don't know yet. But let's go do something!"
A huge, goofy smile over takes his face and his grabs my hand. "Hurry, we've gotta get to the airport!"
"Bye you crazy lovers!" Kat calls. We shout our goodbyes and rush to the car, Andy all but speeding to the airport.

Sierra's outfit to side, along with their tattoos. So what do you think they're going to do? Where are they going to go? 10 COMMENTS FOR NEXT CHAPTER

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