Chapter Five-Reporting for Duty

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Andy's Point of View

I get up the next morning, grab a change of clothes and hop in the shower. As the mirror streams up I undress and step into the hot jets of hot water. I can't help but remember to yesterday when I walked in on Sierra. Yeah, I was still too hungover to hold the urge to pee - but I was also coherent enough to know that Sierra was in the shower and to take advantage of that moment before it passed. I get goose bumps as I think of the way she stood in the shower. Since the glass door that closes off the shower is marbled I didn't see anything important but I saw enough to let my imagination do the rest. I look down and sigh. Dammit. Turning off the hot I stand in the cold water until I'm calm enough to walk.

I quickly dry off and get dressed so if Sierra needs the bathroom she can use it. As I walk downstairs I see Sierra sitting on the couch with a sketch pad in hand. I pad over to wear she sits and just as I'm about to lean over her shoulder to see what she's drawing she jerks away from me.

"Oh!" I hold my hands up and back away. "Sorry!"

"No, no," she says . "I just don't normally show people my sketchpad..."

"Oh yeah, I should've asked sorry."

She smiles at me shyly. "Maybe I'll show you some day...."

"I hope so." I grin back at her and nervously tussle my hair. "So did you want to go get some breakfast or something?"

"Actually I have to be at work in a couple hours and I wanted to get there early to get a feel of things."

"Oh," I say a little disappointed. "But you go ahead and have fun. Maybe I'll drop by later..."

"Cool," Sierra stands up. She's wearing a black corset top with black fishnet sleeves and purple splattered black skinny jeans. She walks over to the door, puts her sketchpad in her bag, pulls on a pair of creepers and walks out. "Later!"

After she leaves I stand there a little awkwardly before texting the guys.

Andy: guys, meet me at Carlo's Diner

Purdyerthanyou: k

CrazyComa: alright

Jinxxxx: gimme 5

AchyJake: dudeeee it's early!!!!


"Vroooommmmm!!!" CC crashes his hashbrown plane into Jake's pile of eggs.

"Dude come on," Jake says. "It's too goddamn early for me to even be out of bed, yet here I am, trying to fight off my hangover in sunlight. The only up side is the food - but you're ruining that too." Jake begins to shovel his food in his mouth. He's already ordered four plates and told the waitress to keep the unlimited pancakes coming.

"Dammnnn," Ash crones as a couple of girls in shorts and bikini tops walk by. I smack the back of his head before taking another bite of my waffle.

"Stop being such a slut," I mumble.

"Hey whatever happened to that hottie you brought to the club?" Ash asks me. I choke on my orange juice a little.

"Sierra's at work," I say.

"She was fucking fine," Ash says, giving CC a look. CC doesn't notice but keeps playing with Jake's food, much to Jake's annoyance.

"So Andy..." Ash leans a little closer, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "You got a thing for Sierra?"

I shake him off. "No.......why?"

"Cause if you don't then I do." Ash turns to the rest of the boys. "What do ya guys think of dropping in on Sierra?"

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