Chapter Twenty Two- Saviour Will Be There

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Sierra's Point of View

Zack grins above me, and licks his lips. I try to wiggle away from him but his grip is too strong.

"Stop moving." he mutters and pulls my jeans down even farther. I whimper as he undoes the button on his jeans when a sudden flash of black crosses my vision. Dazed, I feel the weight lift from my body and I lay there, before looking up.

Andy, with pure rage on his face, straddles Zack and punches him straight in the jaw. As if in a trance I watch Andy beat the living shit out of Zack, his face slowly resembling a bruised plum - all blue and purple and bloody. I make no move to stop Andy, as if I even could in this state.

Zack takes advantage of a pause to spit a mouthful of blood. "Is that all you got fag?"

Andy's eyes burn and a muscle in his jaw jumps before he's back on Zack, pummeling him relentlessly. 

Finally, with Zack within a breath of his life, Jake and Ashley rush forward and gripping Andy under the arms, physically remove him from Zack's broken body.

"Andy. Stop man."

"You'll kill him, get a grip bud."

Andy stands there for a moment, chest rising and falling rapidly, just staring at Zack, his fists still clenched and covered in blood.

A pair of police officers take to the scene a minute later and pull Zack to his feet, cuffing him and pushing him into an idling cruiser.

I look up through my tears and find that a crowd has gathered - security guards, fans, and bands alike stare slack jawed at the sight before them. Johnnie holds his camera pointed toward the area of action and Sophie stands beside him, clutching at Alice, tears streaming down her cheeks.

I turn away from everyone's peering eyes and look at the ground, shoulder's shaking with sobs. Andy must finally realize what's happening because he shakes his head and looks toward me, eyes red. He shakes Ashley and Jake off before walking over to where I still sit, my clothes all out of place. I wrap my arms around myself as he shrugs off his jacket and places it on me before kneeling down and hugging me close to his chest.

"I'm sorry." He whispers. "I'm so so sorry."

I clutch onto his shirt and he shifts and suddenly Andy's picking me up and carrying me bridal style away from the crowd. I bury my face into his chest as we pass everyone, not wanting to see the pity in their eyes.

"I'm so sorry," Andy whispers over and over as he carries me to where all the buses are parked. He walks us inside and we go to the back room where he lays me gently on the bed.

We sit together for a few minutes, me hiccupping periodically and Andy occasionally whispering how sorry he was, before falling silent.

"D-did..." Andy's voice cracks and he clears his throat. "How... how far did he get?"

"He didn't." I whisper. "You stopped him."

Andy's shoulders collapse and he holds me tight in his arms.

"Let's get you cleaned up, yeah?"

I nod and he gives me a soft kiss on the forehead before going to the kitchen and returning with wet rags and a first aid kit. He shuts the door before helping me out of my soiled and ripped shirt and pulls my jeans down. I stand before him as he examines my body. He bites his lip and winces at the bruises on my arms and hips and the scratches and cuts on my stomach and back. I stand rigid as he applies ointment to my cuts and covers them with bandages.

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