Chapter Sixteen- Not So Holly Jolly Christmas Part 3

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Andy's Point of View

Mine and Sierra's linked hands swing back and forth as we walk down the sidewalk.
The wind blows through her long red and black curls. I wasn't expecting here to change her hair anytime soon but to be honest, she looks much sexier with her curls all red and black. It matches her fiery personality.
I tug my leather jacket around my shoulders as we stop at a crosswalk. Sierra and I are walking through a Dallas shopping center a few blocks from our hotel.  The light turns green and I pull Sierra forward.
"You wanna check this out?" Sierra asks.
I look up at the music store window. "Sure." I open the door for her and then walk inside. Sierra traipses over to a huge rack of vinyls and begins to flip through them. We look through a few shelves before deciding to move on.
"Hey, what's this?" I point to a store with a large wooden bear sculpture in front. "Let's check it out."
I pull Sierra inside as she bites her lip nervously. Inside the store is dimly lit by large candles and small lamps. Carvings and sculptures and incense and tapestries line the walls and tables.
"How cool is this?" I ask. "Alot of this stuff looks like the things in your room."
"Yeah...." Sierra mumbles. A few people, some with pale skin and long blonde hair enter the room, laughing. "I-I think..maybe we should go..."
"Hm?" I turn to face her worried face. "What's wrong? Sierra are you okay?"
The people who just walked in go quiet and stare at us.
"Oh my god..." One of the girls whispers. "No...."
"It can't be..." The guy with them says.
"Sierra?" The other girl asks, then shrieks. "Sierra!!"
Sierra's full pink lips thin and her face goes ashy.
They rush forward and surround her screaming.
"Where have you been?!"
"Mom and Dad have been worried sick!!"
"We thought you were dead!!"
At that last comment we all silence.
Tears run down Sierra's face as I move to where she stands - she clings to me, burying her head in my chest.
"Are you okay, Angel?" I ask, running a hand over her hair.
"Sierra?" The blonde guy asks. "Who is this?"
One of the girls heads to the counter before returning with a steaming mug of tea.
Sierra turns around and accepts it from her with a small smile.
"Brandon," the girl that got Sierra the tea says. "Why don't you put down the closed sign and we can all head to the back to talk?"
The guy who must be Brandon nods and walls to the front. The girls lead Sierra and I to the back room. Low couches and candles give the room a comforting feel. I sit beside Sierra on the couch and we all face her expectantly.
"Andy..." Sierra says. "This is my brother Brandon, my sister Sophie, and my cousin Alice. Guys, this is Andy, my boyfriend."
Alice tilts her blonde head at me. "You look familiar...."
"I'm the lead singer for Black Veil Brides." I say.
Alice gasps. "Sierra however did you manage that?"
"Uhm..." I mumble before looking at Sierra.
"How are mom and dad?" She asks, changing the topic.
"How the fuck do you think they are?!" Brandon's face turns red. "They've been worried sick because of you! Where the fuck were you? Why would you even pull this shit?" He narrows his eyes ask me. "And why the fuck are you dating a fucking rockstar?"

Sierra's Point of View

I take another sip of tea to let Brandon calm down. Whenever he's pissed it's best to let him get it out so he'll listen to whatever you say.
"I know." I start. "I know okay? This whole thing is too complicated for me to get into now. And I know mom and dad are going to want to see me. So I guess I'll go with you now to get this out of the way." I place my cold fingers on Andy's knee. "You can go back to the hotel and tell the guys what happened, okay?...Unless you want to come with me..?" Part of me hopes he'll say no, and then part of me hopes he'll say yes.
"Are you kidding? Of course I'm coming with you!" He takes hold of my hand and I can't help but feel relieved.
"Okay," Sophie says, flicking her short brown hair over her shoulders. "Alice, lock up. Brandon go start the car."
As always, they follow my older sister's commands. Sophie stands up and pulls me into a hug. I can smell her earthy perfume and bury my face in her soft and fuzzy sweater.
"It's good to see you." She whispers. I blink hard as another wave of tears gathers in my throat. Of all my family, Sophie is the one I'm closest with. Sophie, too, was adopted a few years before me. And growing up we always talked to each other about everything. How different we felt from the rest of our family with our dark hair and eyes and skin. Sophie's parents immigrated here from Zimbabwe when her mother was still pregnant. Soon enough they got deported back and Sophie was put in foster care until my parents adopted her when she was four. I was adopted about a year later. But our closeness is probably the reason I never told her what Zack did to me. I was worried she'd chose him over me, and our relationship would be ruined so I just ignored it.
"Alright," Alice says. "Let's go."
I reach out for Andy's hand and we follow the girls outside and climb into Brandon's SUV.
Andy's quiet in the car as Brandon and Sophie and Alice chatter on about everything that's happened since I left.
"Aunt Alicia had her baby!" Sophie exclaims. "Around three weeks ago. And they turned out to be twins!"
"Aw, really? That's so sweet." I say.
Andy texts someone on his phone and then turns it off. I smile at him and he rubs circles into the back of my hand with his thumb.
"So," Brandon says. "How long have you two been together?"
"Two months," I say.
Brandon nods and turns off the highway and into our neighborhood before asking another question. "Is he decent to you sis?"
"Oh my God, Brandon yes. Now can we be done with this conversation? I'm eighteen, I can take care of myself."
"Oh yeah, how o-"
"Look we're here!" I exclaim and Point out the window to the yellow house on the corner. A strange feeling takes place in my stomach as I look over the faded blue shutters, mom's dormant garden and flower beds, the bird feeders and wind chimes that me and my siblings made at countless summer country club camps. Brandon parks next to Dad's big red pick up truck and mom's bright green Jeep. I hop out and try not to run in the front door and cry. Brandon holds the door open for me and Andy as we escape the cold but not technically freezing wind.
Immediately the moment I walk through the door our German Sheppard, Alpha Pizza Pilot rams into my body and stands on his hind legs, trying desperately to lick my face.
"Pizza!" I exclaim. I drop to my knees and hug the huge dog as he attacks me with slobber. About a minute later Pizza notices Andy and welcomes him as well.
"Andy," I say. "Meet Alpha Pizza Pilot."
"How the fu- heck did you come up with that name?" He asks, catching his language not a moment too soon.
"Sophie wanted to name him Alpha, I wanted to name him Pizza, and Brandon wanted to name him Pilot. mom has us name him Alpha Pizza Pilot."
"Nice you meet you then." Andy gives Pizza's ears a good scratch.
"Sophie?" I hear my mom's voice echo from the kitchen. "What are you doing home so early? Is everything okay?" Her footsteps echo against the hard wood and then suddenly there she is. My mom stands there in her cheesy Christmas sweater, wearing a pair of dark blue 'mom' jeans and fuzzy socks, her blonde hair a lot shorter then I remember and spiked in the front. Her blue eyes widen when she sees me. "Sierra!" We rush toward each other and then her scrawny arms are holding me close to her boney body. I breathe in the scent of her pine perfume and eggnog. I can feel her tears dripping onto my neck and she mumbles into my coat. A few minutes later I pull back and just take in her presence. The worry lines around her eyes and mouth are more prominent and she looks tired and skinny.
She smiles down at me warmly before her Stern Mom look takes over her face. "Sierra Nicolette Hialeah Pann. What in the world were you thinking?! Where have you been?! Do you have any idea how worried we were?!" She pauses and squints at me. "And what on earth is in your face?!!"
"I know mom. But I had good reason. I promise I'll talk to you and Dad later....where is dad?"
Mom glances at her watch. "He should be here any minute. He had to go to-"
The door swings open and I notice Andy duck out of the way to avoid being hit.
"Sorry Joan," My dad yells, bags of groceries stacked in front of his face. "But they were out of the turkey bag thingys." He walks right past me and into the kitchen where he sets the bags on the counter. "And why are the kids back from work? Was business really tha-" he freezes midsentence when he sees me. His eyes rake over my body and then it dawns on him who I am. "Sierra."
"Daddy!" He pulls me into a bone crushing hug and swings me around.
"How long have you been here?" He asks.
"Ten minutes." I grin up at him and he plants a kiss on my forehead.
"Uhm... Sierra. Are you going to introduce us to your friend?" I turn to find Mom looking pointedly at Andy. "Oh. Mom, Dad," I reach out my hand to Andy and walk him over to my parents. "This is my boyfriend."
Andy smiles and stretches his hand out. "Andy Biersack, nice to meet you. You have a wonderful daughter."
"Thank you Andrew." Mom gives him a tight lipped smile. "What happened to Dylan?"
"Are you two finally over?" Dad asks, smiling at Andy.
"Yeah. Me and Dylan are done for good," I say. And hopefully that's true. I don't want anyone else but Andy.
"But I liked Dylan...." Mom mumbles.
"Yes!" My dad cheers and slaps Andy on the back. "You got her away from that little delinquent. Thank you son."
"No problem." Andy grins back.
"So, Sierra." Mom says. "Why don't we all go sit in the den and you can tell us everything."
"Oh... uhm.. okay." I say. Andy's fingers twitch against mine and I know we both need a smoke or two before any talking starts. "But Andy and I are going to hang out back for a few minutes, okay?"
"What for?" Asks mom.
"Uhmm... smoke break?" I mumble.
"Sierra!" Mom exclaims. "You quit!"
"No I didn't." I say. "We'll be back soon." I drag Andy around them and to the back door. I stand on the small patio and survey everything. Our playground from when we were kids still sits to the left of the sand pit, more faded than when I last saw it. A hammock swing has been added on the right side of the yard, in the trees. I guess dad finally got around to hanging it up for mom. I lead Andy over to the play set and climb up into the tower. We sit down before Andy pulls a pack of cigarettes out of his coat pocket. I lean over so he can light it and inhale deeply.
"Are you sure you want to be here?" I ask.
He exhales while speaking. "Yes. I'm not sure about you Sierra, but I'm not planning on getting out of our relationship any time soon, so I want your parents to like, or at least accept me."
I nod. We smoke a few cigarettes in silence before heading back into the warm house. Andy follows me as I lead him into the den. "I'll give you the tour later." I say. We find Mom, Dad, Sophie, Brandon, and Alice all gathered in the den, sitting on the sofas, leaving the one recliner available.
"Sit." I say, directing Andy to the chair.
"No. Sierra I'd rather-"
"Sit in the chair Andy." I all but shove him into and then sit on the floor, leaning back against his legs.
"Okay Sierra...." Dad starts. "Why don't you start from the very beginning. The night you left."
"Okay." I nod. "Dylan proposed and I got scared. I felt trapped and rushed so later that night I texted Katie - I'd heard she had to go to California to see a cousin or something so I decided I'd have her take me too. She came and picked me up. And we got to California about a day later. I stayed with her and her family for a couple days before she had to leave. So we were playing in a parking lot and that's how I met Andy. He helped me get a job as a tattoo artist and let me live with him as his roommate. We became really good friends and then around Halloween he asked me to be his girlfriend."
"Okay....but how did you just show up here?" Brandon asks. "We thought you would've called or something but you just showed up out of the blue."
"Andy is on Warped Tour right now and he asked me to come down and visit. And he just so happened to lead me into our store where we ran into them." I motion to my siblings and cousin.
"Warped Tour?" My dad strokes his chin. "You mean the thing with the bands?"
"Yes sir." Andy says. "I sing."
"That's why you looked so familiar! Sierra has posters of you in her room." Dad says."Which band are you in?"
"Black Veil Brides." Andy says.
The room goes quiet. "Ah...." Dad mumbles. "I'm personally okay with your music, I think it carries a very good message. But my wife-"
"Sierra, I thought I told you not to listen to them?! And not only did you disobey me but you began a immoral relationship with one of the members?! Really I thought I raised yo-"
"Joan!" My Dad cuts in. "Please wait for me in the office."
She sits there silently for a minute before walking stiffly down the hall.
"I am so sorry Andy." My Dad says. "My wife was raised very strictly Catholic and doesn't feel the same way about a lot of things I allow the children to do."
"It's fine sir." Andy rubs his forehead. "I get it alot."
Dad quickly follows after mom and a few seconds later muffled shouting echoes through the house.
I turn to face Andy and find him pinching the bridge of his nose, a frown pulling on his lips. I stand up and climb onto his lap, wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him close. A few seconds later his arms encircle my wait and hold me to him.
"I'm sorry, Andy." I whisper in his ear. "I didn't think she'd react that way..."
He nods and burys his face in my hair. "It's okay Angel.......I think we've got an audience..."
I peek over my shoulder to find Sophie, Brandon, and Alice watching us. Andy chuckles and kisses my cheek. "Thanks."
"For what?" I turn back to face him.
"Letting me meet your family."
I smile and kiss him softly, as he winds his hand in my curly hair.
A throat clears behind us and I jerk away from Andy, falling to the floor in the process. My Dad stands in the doorway with a horrified and reluctant Mom. Andy leans down and helps me up.
"Joan." Dad says. She scowls like a scolded child.
"Please forgive me for my outburst Andy. It was out of line. I don't know you personally yet and it was unfair of me to assume anything. Thank you for taking care of our daughter."
"Of course." Andy says and gives my mom a reassuring smile.
"How long will you be staying?" Mom asks.
"Well, we need to get back to the hotel for the Christmas party tomorrow, and Andy's birthday is in a couple days and then we'll be moving on down to Huston and then San Antonio for New Years. But then I have to go back home. Crow gets anxious when he's alone for long periods of time." I explain.
"Crow?" Mom narrows her eyes.
"Our cat." Andy says. Our cat. He said our. I can't hide the smile that rises up in me.
"Well, can you stay for dinner?....And maybe visit on Christmas Day?" Mom toes the carpet with her sock. "I'd hate to loose you so soon. And I'd love to get to know you better Andy."
I look at Andy for confirmation.
"We'd love to." He says.

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