Chapter Thirty Four- Surprise Vistors

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Sierras Point of View

I rub my forehead and lay my head down on my desk.

"Sierra?" Becca asks.


"Are you okay?"

"I'll be fine." I sit up. "I'm getting over the flu you passed on."

"I was only sick for like two days. You've been sick for over a week now." Becca tucks her blonde hair behind her ear. "You need to see a doctor."

"Andy's gonna be taking me tonight. I would've gone earlier but he had to pick up his parents from the airport so I figured I might as well come to work."

"Okay." Becca says. "Let me know what they say."

"I will."

After another hour of moping around Allie finally sends me home. I park in the driveway next to Andy's car and head up to the door. Before walking inside I straighten my shirt and run my fingers through my hair.

"Angel?" Andy calls as I walk in the door.

"It's me." I say. I walk to the kitchen to find Andy standing with a short blonde woman and a tall man.

"Hello. You must be Andy's parents." "Oh goodness Andy she's gorgeous!" His mom exclaims, walking toward me.

I reach my hand out but she pulls me into a hug. "It's so nice to meet you! I'm Amy." Amy says.

"Hi." I say. And then my stomach twists. Oh God no. I push away and double over the sink, emptying the contents of my stomach. Andy pats my back.

"Goodness gracious are you okay?" Amy asks me.

"Sierras been sick." Andy says. "I'm taking her to the hospital."

"We'll continue introductions after you get back." Chris says.

I rinse my mouth, give them an apologetic smile, and let Andy hustle me into the car. I lean my head out the window and close my eyes until we get to the ER.

We walk inside and I fill out some paperwork.

"Sierra Pann?" One of the nurses call.

Andy and I follow her back to an evaluation room.

"Okay Sierra," the nurse says. "I need to take some blood and for you to pee in this cup. Then we'll ask you some questions."

I go to the bathroom and pee in her cup and then let her draw some blood. She sends them back to be tested and asks me some questions.

"Do you drink?"




"Do drugs?"


"Are you sexually active?"

I glance toward Andy. "Yes."

"When was the last time you had your period?"

"Uh-" I try to remember but I actually don't know. I try to mentally count back and realize it's been over two months. "I don't know."

"Okay. The test results should be back soon. You can wait in here."

I sit on the chair next to Andy.

"So...." I say.


The door opens a moment later and she walks back in. "I have your results."


"As it turns out, you are......"


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