Chapter 46- Blood and Tears

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Sierra's Point of View

"It's so good to have you out." Sammi smiles, giving me a hug.

"Yeah." I give a small smile in return.

We're sitting side stage with Ella watching our boys onstage.

"Andy's needed an emotional outlet after everything." I comment, absentmindedly twirling a curl around my finger.

We listen, holding hands with each other while the boys go through Shadows Die, All Your Hate, The Gunslinger, and Heart of Fire.

"Okay you guys." Andy says into the mic in between songs. "I'm not sure how many of you were aware that my girlfriend Sierra was pregnant." There are cheers and a few boos from the audience. "She gave birth back in January to a baby boy." More cheers. "Unfortunately, our little Bandit Kailer Biersack was stillborn."

Andy's voice cracks and my hand flies to my pattering heart.

"So Sierra and I have been going through a very hard time these past few weeks and I want to thank all our fans for being patient with us and giving us privavy in our grief. So I would like to dedicate this song to my beautiful girlfriend Sierra and our son, Bandit."

A picture flashes on the screens and tears flood my eyes when I see it's of me in the hospital holding Bandit, my lips pressed to his soft head.

The beginning beat of Lost It All begins to play and I watch as all the guys get tears in there eyes.

Sammi and Ella hug me tightly between them and Andy starts to sing, his voice broken and sad.

Into the second verse he falls to his knees, tears pouring down his face.

"Then I lost it all!" He rasps, leaning forward with the words.

The guys stop playing as sobs begin to rack Andy's body and they all go to him on stage and join him, hugging each other around him. Ashley looks up and catches my eye and nods his head at me, a signal for me to join him.

I disentangle myself from the girls and run straight into Andy's arms, burying my face into his neck.

"Dead and broken....." he whispers into the mic before dropping it and holding me as close as possible to him. I sob against Andy, my boyfriend, my other half. He runs his fingers through my hair as awful, ragged wailing rips from his throat. Jinxx hugs me from behind and the rest of the guys join in and hug us all together, one giant mass of sobbing, sweaty, broken people.

After a few minutes Andy finally pulls back and wipes my eyes with his thumbs.

"I love you so much...." he murmurs, pressing his lips to my forehead.

We all get up off the stage and hug each other wiping our eyes. I notice that Sammi and Ella joined the hug too.

Many of the fans in the audience are crying as well. The sight of their strength being so weak must have struck them hard. Their saviours are human too. They can feel pain and be just a hurt as the Army.

*after the show*

"Andy..." I say. The whole band is sitting at an Ihop, eating pancakes and drinking hot coffee.

"Hmm?" He turns to face me.

"There's something I want us to do. So we can move on."

"What is it?"

"I want us to get a tattoo to remember Bandit."

Andy is quiet for a moment and I worry he won't agree to it. But then he nods vigorously. "Yes. Yes let's go now."

I smile and we climb out of the booth.

"Where are you guys going?" CC asks.

"Something we need to do. We'll see you guys later."

Andy calls as we join hands and run out of the restaurant.

When we get to Under Lunatie it's close to 3 am. We rush inside and Ally sits up straight, she hasn't seen me for over a month.

"Sierra! How are you?"

"Ally!" I pull her into a hug and gasp, "We need you to tattoo us now!"

"Oh uh sure what do you-"

Andy cuts her off in his excitement. "We want Bandit's birth date! On our wrists."

Ally nods, flustered and takes us back.

She sketches up the date 1-7-15 and prints the outline.

I sit next to Andy as she inks up his right wrist and then does mine.

After when our skin is pink and we've shed blood and tears and sweat, only after, do I feel ready to move on. And by the way Andy is smiling down at me, I know he is too.
Guise I actually cried while writing this OMG ugh. So the next chapter will be the last chapter of this book. I love you guys thanks for getting me this far ♡♡

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