Chapter Thirty Two- Romance and Rendezvous

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Andy's Point of View

Sierra struggles to keep my fast pace as we run through the airport. I lower my speed a little but not much. I want to make sure we can pull this off.

When we make it to the desk I stop and double over, trying to catch my breath.

"So..." I gasp. "Where do you wanna go Angel?"

Her mouth gapes a little. "Uhhhh. Excuse me?" Sierra addresses the receptionist. "Can we have two tickets for your cheapest and soonest departing flight?"

The chick looks at us a little wierdly over her desk, but types on her computer. "Las Vegas, $145, leaves in 24 minutes."

"Done." I say. We purchase the tickets and run to our gate, making it through security and onto the plane just before take off.

"Oh my God." Sierra says. "So we're going to Las Vegas."

I nod. She smiles and laces her hand with mine before pulling her phone from her pocket and opening her camera.

I lean my face close to her's as she snaps the pic. I tilt my head to look at her. Her long, dark lashes flutter over her dark brown eyes. She brushes her fingertips across her delicate nose and wiggles it a little - something she does when she's trying not to sneeze. A smile plays at my lips as I rest the side of my face against her's and hear the camera snap again.

While she uploads it to her social media accounts I admire our new tattoos. They look so good and I'm glad that I got my old tattoos removed to make room for the new ones I plan on getting with Sierra.

"Babe." I pull my phone out and me and Sierra put our hands together. I upload the picture to my instagram and twitter.

Thanks to the great @katvond for giving me and my @angel_inkmodel our amazing tattoos.

The first comment on the picture is a mushy one but the next is hate. I sigh and scroll through my feed to see the picture Sierra just put up of us. It's the one where I'm smiling at her and she's blushing while facing the camera. She looks gorgeous with her black hair and golden skin, dark eyes wide open. The caption reads:Adventure time with my one and only @andybvb ♥

I like it, smiling, but frown when I see the first comment on her picture.

Some little twat called @hateangelink commented: it's so awful that Andy's fallen for another whore. I mean, first Scout, then Juliet, and now this bitch. Like, at least the others were pretty but She's so ugly, and shes not even doing anything important with her life. I feel so bad for andy and I wish he could see when he's being tricked. She obviously only cares about him for the fame of it. Just wait a little longer my love, soon I'll be legal and we can be together and I'll save you from all the gold diggers out there. ♥

My teeth clench and a muscle in my jaw jumps. I reply to her comment, my fingers speeding over the keys.

@hateangelink first off, it's completely disgusting of you to create such a big deal over something you obviously don't like. Why even bother unless you're just attention seeking. And I was never tricked into any of my relationships. Yes, not all of them ended greatly but it's none of your business regardless. And it's absolutely horrible of you to call out not only my current girlfriend but my past ones too. I know exactly where I stand with each of these women, you don't. All I have to say to you is that it doesn't matter how old you are. I will not be getting into a relationship with anyone, other than Sierra. I love her and she loves me and you shouldn't concern yourself with the private matters of others. Now please get off my wonderful girlfriend's page and do not bother either of us again.

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